Thursday, October 28, 2021


 Basketball is in need of two game supervisors for Monday's game. Please sign up on signup genius if you can help out and earn some extra $.

Thanks to the 8th grade team for putting together a schedule for November 5th to give all of the 8th grade students their STAR test that will be used as part of the high school placement process.  

Just a reminder that we start our Parent Teacher conferences next week, please make sure your web link is ready as Kim will be sending them out on the morning before the first Zoom conferences.  See Angela or Danielle if you need assistance.

Melissa, April and Danielle finished up auditions Thursday evening.  I am looking forward to the Cast reveal Friday afternoon. 

Helping all students feel like they belong.

Eligibility officially started on Thursday.  I talked with students and created a letter to better inform parents of the eligibility process.  Please remember that it is the teachers responsibility to reach out to parents and the coach/activity sponsor.  I will share the letter with staff on Friday as it may be a helpful resource when you are talking with parents of ineligible students.

Thanks to Dr. Woell for helping guide the school board visit on Thursday with myself and Melissa.   Special thanks to Chris,  April, Jim, Bill, Michele D and Joe for letting us see the fabulous work they are doing with our students.  

Kim has done a great job this week in keeping the office organized and running smooth.  We appreciate it.

Thanks to Joe, Morgan, Michele D, Alexis and Carrie Z for attending the mentee meeting on Wednesday.  Hopefully the presentations on P/T conference and classroom management will be helpful.  Thanks to all of the mentors who are meeting with our mentee teachers regularly and going over the monthly topic list and giving other assistance.  

Activities to help your students and yourself.

Thanks to Sherry and the BEA leadership team for being active in communicating with their peers and working in partnership with admin to make decisions that benefit the students of Benjamin SD 25.

I appreciate the grade level teams letting me stop by this week and give an overview of the IAR scores.  There was good feedback and I will be working on more data from the state and other local school districts. 

 W.E.B. Dubois’s Magnificent Letter of Advice to His Teenage Daughter

Thanks to Colleen and Alex for helping the kids put together a great spirit week this wee.  It was fun and the students and staff enjoyed it.  

Melissa and I want to say thank you for the awesome engraved pens we received last week for Principal/AP appreciation month.  They are already getting good use.  

"You will never be greater than the thoughts that dominate your mind." -- Napoleon Hill

"The greatest gift is not being afraid to question."
-- Ruby Dee

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