Thursday, October 21, 2021


 I had a great time at ML Night Tuesday Evening. We had lots of families take advantage of this educational and entertaining evening.   On a personal level, it was fun interacting with the little kiddos and showing them the robots and the concept of taking turns and sharing.  Betty did a great job organizing the event and April helped out with set-up.  

Checking in with Middle School students:

It was neat to see Michael Miles in the building again.  He did a great job as usual and I was super impressed with the questions that our 5th and 8th grade students were able to ask when I popped in. 

Sports awards were Wednesday night and we were able to celebrate the fall athletes in the main gym with parents in chairs and students spaced out in the bleachers.  The Coaches did a great job celebrating their athletes accomplishments and personal growth.  

Finding more ways to praise and keeping track.  

Thanks to all of the subject area teams that met on Wednesday after school and discussed learning loss among other topics.  I am proud of the hard work that has gone into making this minimal for most of our middle school students.

Using Video to improve instruction

Have you listened to the new Danielle and Angela tech podcast yet?  What are you waiting for?

I appreciate Team Leaders spending Time with me after school on Monday and communicating our discussions back with you.  Their leadership is invaluable to running this school.  

22 Diverse book choices for all grade levels.  

Thanks to Sherry and Colleen for running HW club this week and to Nicole for helping to put it together.

Teaching Writing with this fun exercise!

Student Council is having a fun spirit week next week.  I am looking forward to participating and showing off my school/halloween spirit!  Thanks to Colleen and Alex for putting this together.

Melissa, April and Danielle had a great Audition clinic/Crew meeting followed by a parent Zoom meeting tonight and the start of the theater season officially has begun.  

Why reading books should be your priority according to science.

I enjoyed getting into classes this week both as a sub and as an administrator. I saw students that were appreciative of in-person learning and excited to be able to interact with their friends and learn from their teachers.  

F.A.I.L. means "First Attempt in Learning". E.N.D. means "Effort Never Dies". N.O. means "Next Opportunity". 
-- Abdul Kalam

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