Thursday, October 7, 2021


 Excited for our 7th grade movie night tonight. Thanks to our PTA for sponsoring the event and to the teachers who are chaperoning on a Friday night long weekend.  

Millions of teachers + students use @YouTube for learning every day. When it comes to classroom learning, your success with YouTube will depend a lot on how you use it. Get best practices with our Teachers' Essential Guide to YouTube.

Congrats again to Bill and Joe for doing an excellent job with our cross country team this season.  Congrats also to Kerry and Dan as they won their tournament volleyball games last night to play on this Saturday and to Matt T and the soccer team who won the semi-final game last night and started to win the championship game 1-0 before it got called for lightning.  They will finish the game tonight at home.  Go Bengals!

How to Engage Students’ Memory Processes to Improve Learning Strategies like connecting new information to students’ prior knowledge guide them to store what they’re learning in long-term memory. 

If you are a coach or club/activity sponsor you will need to start entering building use in Facility Tree for all of your practices/meetings/games and events.  Don't panic, there are features that allow this to be an easy process especially for repeating events or even random multiple days.  Tim also said that he would be willing to do a training session for us.   

We have had a couple student hallway incidents in the last couple weeks.  Please do the following two things when you can to help reduce these situations.  Get out in the hallway during passing period whenever possible.  PLEASE do not let kids line up at the door at the end of the period as this leads to a "push" to get out the door and unnecessary possibilities for conflict verbally and physically. 

Navy Seals use this 7 step process to achieve any goal and you can too!

So happy that the Bengal Cafe is back for our Core students.  Thanks to Megan for running it and to all the teachers who buy coffee to keep the students busy delivering your drinks.  

Our IAR scores are in.  I will be delivering individual and school reports to teams to look at and will be coordinating the delivery of the reports home in coordination with Evergreen.

The Case against Zeros.

Thanks to Betty for providing engaging activities for us to delve into based upon our interests and to all of the teachers who submitted their reflections.  Melissa created a really cool world cultures Jeopardy Game as just one example of thoughtful reflections completed.  Please make sure if you didn't submit your reflection on Wednesday do so by this Wednesday.  Also, Megan P does not get to hold onto the traveling trophy for a second month.  This Month's Employee of the Month is Jessica Erickson.  Jessica has been busy helping students with reading helping assess Benjamin and Evergreen students, leading multiple clubs, planning NJHS kick-off  and providing insight about our enrichment program to help provide information and programming options to Evergreen.  Congratulations Jessica!  

I was able to jump into a lot of classrooms this week and see some excellent teaching.  The great thing is that no two classrooms I went into had the same approach/style/learning activity but they all had engaged students led by knowledgeable and thoughtful staff.  Please make sure you set up your first formal observation if you are on cycle.  

This Wednesday and Thursday our 6th grade students will be heading to Outdoor Ed  thanks to all of our teacher chaperones as well as our subs who are covering classes for our non 6th grade teachers who are going on the trip. Also big thanks to Mark and Colleen for organizing this trip. 

"We swallow greedily any lie that flatters us, but we sip only little by little at a truth we find bitter." -- Denis Diderot

"There is no improving the future without disturbing the present." -- Catherine Booth

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