Thursday, November 4, 2021


 Thanks to everyone for doing an outstanding job at P/T conferences. Parents I talked to said things went well and the conferences were starting and finishing on schedule. Also thanks to Kim for checking all the parents in and helping set-up our awesome PTA dinner.  Please make sure your Zoom link is working for Tuesday and that if you have a new computer that you have tested your camera and mic like Greg has mentioned.

This Monday at the school board meeting we will be honoring the school board for School Board Appreciation Week.  Angela is setting up a Kudoboard like we did for Matthew Turek.  Melissa or I will be sending out directions today.  If you could please take a minute to input a message before Monday it would be greatly appreciated.  

Push students past simple recall into deeper thought and engagement by adding this short follow-up question to your repertoire.

We are gearing up for the Veterans Day Assembly this Thursday.  I look forward to having our first assembly in a long time and celebrating our Veterans.

Dr. Woell will be sending out a summary of our Evaluation Committee meeting last Wednesday.  Please read it over and feel free to ask either of us if you have any questions.  Thanks to the teachers that served on the committee.

Teachers need more Than Good Wishes

Please see Greg's email on adding the facility calendar to your account.  Also we have started to have outside groups use our gym on the weekend.  I have checked with Tim and they will be following the same process as you do if they are entering the building.  As an example, Community Fellowship will be using the gym this weekend.  When they come in their group leader will be entering through door 1 and signing in on the clipboard.  If you see a name on the clipboard when you are leaving the building don't set the alarm (just like always).

Thanks to Colleen, Lisa K and Janice for securing the outdoor ed grant for next year.  Their timely efforts will pay dividends for us next year!

Here's one way to finish each class as strongly as you started it—try an optimistic closure, which helps students connect, reflect, and look forward as you wrap for the day.

Thanks to Ellen for putting together the newsletter each month, also for putting up with late article she is always waiting for (mine lol)

Sherry did a great job with her Day of the Dead celebration for Spanish class this year.  Having the food in the gym was a great accomodation and I love having the parent volunteers in the building.

How PE can help kids bounce back from isolation.

Congratulations to April as she became a grandma this week, expanding our Bengal Family!

Please remember to check out one of the podcasts I sent out on Wednesday for our annual podcast learning meeting.

Please consider signing up for our wellness day on November 12th.  It is a great opportunity for you and your spouse!  Thanks to Jen S for sending out the reminders.

"The only reality you can control is the one you're willing to face." -- Karen Marie Moning

"Sometimes I am two people. Johnny is the nice one. Cash causes all the trouble. They fight." -- Johnny Cash

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