Thursday, October 1, 2015


Hats off to the Road Warriors as Bill Wadman, Rich Feffer, Matt Tylk, and Doreen Thill have had many away games this week(VB 3 and Soccer 4) They are doing an awesome job with our fall sports teams along with Abby Adams and Cody Anderson for Cross Country.

Comic Books in the classroom:  Many idea and uses.  

Don't forget to get your newsletter articles into Ellen today.  Thanks 

Coding in the classroom:  Lots of creative ideas including Math and ILAR integration.

Thanks to Angela Anthony as she meets with and recruits students who will be learning about Universal Design and Assistive Technology.  She already has a large group and will be working to narrow it down for students who will eventually be working with UIC Engineering students to develop projects to solve design problems for students who need help.  

Very Cool website with thousands of primary source documents to bring history alive!

Blog isn't as long this week but please take time to explore "The Article of the Week" article along with a couple of videos.  

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