Friday, October 23, 2015


Check out this Learning Differences and Special Needs Guide to Apps from Common Sense Media.  Lots of different categories and skill levels to chose from.

The Outdoor Ed Trip is going great thanks to the hard work of Jim, Rich, Colleen, Lauren, M.J., Alex, Bill, Jackie, and Cody.  Special thanks to Mark who has been on the trip for 28 years and whose leadership pulls everything together.  Please ask Colleen why her new name is Merciless Morgan after what I experienced yesterday.

Nice short blog entry, that I think we all feel at times with technology and teaching in general...It's OK to pause.

Thanks to everyone who is donating food or time to the Foundation's Fall Festival on Sunday.  It should be a great time for Benjamin families.  I will be on the grill if you get hungry.  Thanks to Melissa L and Cathy for promoting and organizing the baked goods drive.

So here is this weeks must read, most of us have heard of Gladwell's 10,000 hour rule of practice to be an expert, but he actually learned that from researcher Dr. Anders Ericsson who actually said the most pivotal point is not how much we practice as it is HOW we practice:

Megan Swiertz, Lyn's student teacher has been doing a phenomenal job in the art room.  If you haven't had a chance to say hi, please stop by the art room and do so.

Thanks to Greg, Ellen B, Alex, Tom, Manny, and Frank for moving three rooms worth of "stuff" to make the Maker Space a more efficient and productive space.  It was a lot of work and is appreciated.

Watch this three minute Ted Talk about success..powerful and funny.  (There is one curse word at the end as a word of caution)

I was popping into some of the rooms that had substitute teachers in them on Wednesday and came away with two conclusions, we have a solid group of substitute teachers and they were left meaningful work to do with our students.  Often overlooked, substitute teachers are an important part of our school!


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