Friday, October 9, 2015


Thanks to Melissa L for organizing and running the Bus Evacuation Drill yesterday.  I was impressed with the instruction given by our bus drivers and the behavior of our students.

Thanks to Shelly and the wellness committee for putting together the wellness screening this morning.  We have to take care of ourselves before we can take care of our students.

9 Educational App Benefits for Modern Education.

I am looking forward to attending STAR Custom Training today.  Hopefully this will be a valuable learning session that will enable us to pull and create questions that will challenge our students and make them grow.  

Thanks to Melissa L, Lynette, Jen, Lynn, Mark C, and Cody for bring in a Birthday Treat Feast.  A little bit of healthy and a little bit of chocolate was the perfect combination!

The room rearrangement has begun! Thanks to all involved to make the transition a smooth one.  

Abby and Cody had their Cross Country party yesterday to celebrate the student athletes hard work.  Their season will come to a close on Tuesday at the cross country Championship being hosted at Harvest Christian.

How one teacher teaches the Growth Mindset in her classroom.

A huge thank you to Keriann who will be presenting our Athletic Program to the Board on Tuesday, October 13th.

Mark once again informed 8th Grade parents of the wonderful opportunities that exist on the Washington D.C Parent Meeting.  Hopefully our 8th grade students will take advantage of this great trip.

Good Article on Why we send students to school.

Thanks to Manny, Frank, Tom, Jose, Brenda, and Alicia for helping out with all of the set-ups yesterday to get ready for the events of yesterday evening and today.

From The Onion(Joking...but only slightly) article on Student Growth

New Statewide Education Standards Require Teachers To Forever Change Lives Of 30% Of Students

SPRINGFIELD, IL—In an effort to hold classroom instructors more accountable, the Illinois State Board of Education unveiled new statewide education standards Friday that require public school teachers to forever change the lives of at least 30 percent of their students. “Under our updated educator evaluation policy, teachers must make an unforgettable, lifelong impact on at least three of every 10 students and instill a love of learning in them that lasts the rest of their lives,” said chairman James Meeks, adding that based on the annual assessments, if 30 percent of students don’t recall a particular teacher’s name when asked to identify the most influential and inspiring person in their lives, that instructor would be promptly dismissed. “We are imposing these standards to make certain that a significant proportion of students in any given classroom can someday look back and say, ‘That teacher changed the course of my life, making me who I am today, and there’s no way I could ever repay them.’ Anything less is failure.” Meeks also confirmed the implementation of another rule aimed at ensuring that no more than 40 percent of a teacher’s students end up in prison.
Cartoon of the week.

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