Thursday, September 24, 2015


Thanks to Lauren D, Colleen and Rich for bringing in Kay McKeen today from scarce.  She puts on a very informational assembly for all of our 6th grade students about limiting waste and recycling/reusing materials that will help our environment.  This information will come into use on their outdoor ed trip and hopefully beyond.

Please don't forget to turn in/meet with me about your 2 growth goals by October 1st.  It has been nice to talk with so many teachers over their student data and possible goals.

Read this article with the mindset that our "customer experience" is how we work with students and parents.

Thanks to Michelle for bringing Newberry Award winning author Cynthia Lord in for grade level presentations.  It will be exciting for students to hear from a successful author about her experiences
and writing tips.

If you haven't met Carol Hayes yet, please stop down to the LMC and say hi.  Carol is doing her clinical hours in library science at our school.

I want to thank the hard work of Steve and Laura in the directions room.  They have had to deal with some difficult situations recently and are doing a great job with their students.

Thanks to Michelle F for securing some student prizes from scholastic that we can hand out on Friday's in return for Fish Slips.  Please continue to hand them out for students that are Being There, Making Your Day, Playing, and Choosing your attitude.

More than 400,000+ high resolution Art images, from the Metropolitan Museum of Art

Please give any boxes that you might have to Alex and Colleen for the upcoming student council food drive.

I want to thank all of our staff for working with our students on the ALICE safety training.  Those difficult conversations make all of us safer and better prepared.

Ten Great Ted Talks for Lead Learners

Please note that next Wednesday is the 5th Wednesday in September so we do not have a meeting after school.

How you can get introverted students to collaborate.

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