Friday, October 3, 2014


This Wednesday after school we will have our Learning Meeting.  The topic is  Communication Skills that Work. There will be an outside speaker and I invite all teaching assistants to stay for the presentation if you wish.  CPDU's will also be offered.  The presentation will last 45minutes.

Here is an article I found on teacher reflection as a tool for growth.

Next week we have Sports Jersey Spirit Week, Check the announcements for details.  Jeans may be worn if participating.  

On Friday October 10th we will have our Full Day Teacher Institute from 8:00AM-1:30PM
The feedback that I received stated that everyone wanted to work on technology and common assessments.  Here is the Breakdown.  
8:00-11:00  We will work in Departments
11:00-1:30 We will work in teams or as individuals.  I will be available to come around and answer questions or help resolve problems.  There will be a tech help resource center in the LMC from 11:30-1:30pm where people will be available to help with specific problems.  

The halls are alive with the Sounds of Music.  I am so looking forward to the production of thgis years musical.  Thanks to Danielle and Melissa for causing students to get excited with their clues!

Good luck to our Bill and Rich and the volleyball teams as they play in a tournament this weekend.

Just a reminder to finish looking at eligibility this morning and let me know if there is anyone on the list that I should Not talk to.  I will talk to students after lunch.  

Thanks to Melissa for going to ALICE Training this morning.  ALICE stands for Alert, Lock down, Inform, Counter, Evacuate.  This information will be shared with everyone as it may impact how schools do lock down drills in the future.

Yesterday while spending time in some 6th grade classrooms. I had a student in Mrs. Sarno's class Alex who took his invention paper a giant extra step by actually creating it.  He built what he calls a sustainable energy source, it involved a solar panel, a mirror, What was most impressive, wasn't the initiative that he took, but the pride that his classmates had in him.  He was showered in praise about his work, I was even told by more than one student..."you know Mr. Fitzgerald, he is probably the smartest student in this school.  What a great environment for creativity and learning both academic and social-emotional.
Here is a video on the importance of play and creativity in learning:  It's only 5 minutes:  

Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
It doesn't make a difference what temperature a room is, it's always room temperature.
Steven Wright

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