Friday, October 10, 2014


Thanks for everyone's participation in the interactive learning meeting on Wednesday.  Hopefully you were able to have some fun with your peers while still learning some communication tips.  You do get a cpdu for that activity.  I will be sending Mr. Winter a list of attendees, which he will keep on file.  On your end, just make a written record of the activity.  If you have any questions let me know.

A big thank you to Angela Anthony for organizing our start to the day today with the sharing of "Tech Success" stories.  What a great way to start your morning and many of those successes would not have been possible without her help.  Thanks!

Mrs. Burkholder and Mrs. Wright have art up in every corner of this building.  Thanks for making our school a better place to walk around in!  Here are some examples and an article on art and tech integration.

Thanks to Melissa for covering for me yesterday as I attended a conference on PERA and student growth.  I brought back some good documents to show the planning committee that will help our transition to this model of evaluation.

Strategies for building a positive learning environment:

A big shout out to Bill Wadman and the Varsity Vball team as they took home first place last weekend in a tournament against 3 schools that are more than twice our population!  Nicely Done Bill.

Musical auditions and talent show tryouts continue to happen thanks to the hard work of Jill, Lynette, Danielle and Melissa.  Thanks for all of your efforts to help students have these extra opportunities that make our school so much stronger.

Leading and learning in a digital transition:

Please read the email from Dr. Clark on the wellness screening we will be having in our building on November 3rd.

Student's attitudes towards assessments:

We all wish Lauren Sarno the best in her new married life as she takes her vows this weekend with her husband.  
I hope everyone has a great extended weekend, you deserve it!  I will be walking around today if you need me to come to your meetings let me know.  
You can observe a lot just by watching.
Yogi Berra (1925 - )

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