Friday, October 17, 2014


I want to thank everyone for the Boss's Day gift.  It has been amazing this year to work with such a dedicated staff.  I look forward to serving your needs by getting you the resources you need and strengthening our relationship as the years go on.

Thanks to Mark, Colleen, Jim, Jill, Alex, M.J.,Rich, Linda, and Lauren for giving up some of their personal time to supervise the outdoor ed trip.  In the few hours I was there, I was able to hear about the Black-hawk Wars, see the eternal statue, participate in weapon throwing and fire building along with having a great lunch.  It is easy to see why this ends up being one of the great memories of our students when they are looking back in 8th grade.

Check out this 4minute video on working together to stop bullying.  It also emphasizes students working together on complicated concepts and learning.

Good luck to our Cross Country, Volleyball and soccer teams as they compete in their championship tournaments tonight and Saturday.

Anybody running in the Monster Dash on Sunday?  I will be starting off the runners and then heading to the Fall Fest Parade.  Thanks to everyone who brought in baked goods for the PTA to sell at the Fair.

Think you are not creative...think again, how daily life brings out your creativity:

Keriann and Mike are the proud parents of  Mariella Elise Moore, 8lbs, 2oz.  Everyone is doing well, and are resting.  We are so happy for you Keriann!

Calling all science teachers  Discovery education will be presenting on their Tech-book and other online resources on Tuesday, October 21st after school.   If you can make it we will be meeting in Melissa Falkos's room.

Here is a discovery education activity about sustainability and farming.  Give it a try.

Thanks to Nicole and Melissa for organizing Red Ribbon week.  We have great activities capped off with a Three Screens Production Assembly on Friday.  We will be on the Double Assembly Schedule with 5th/6th grade watching at 1:00pm and 7th and 8th watching  at 1:45pm.  In addition while the one group is watching the movie, the other group will be reading in honor of  Read Across America.  Yes we are 5 months early, but that's how we roll.  Grade level teams are working out the reading schedules.

Congratulations to Jessica Adams for securing a Lego Grant that she will be using towards solar powered cars in her Stem Class.

Thanks to Mike Droste for his wonderful tech tips that he sends throughout the week.  I have found more than a few to be helpful and informative.

Don't forget we have a fire drill at 10:30am on Wednesday.

Thanks to Jen for coming up with a new activity for PE classes, after talking with one of her 8th grade students, they are enjoying Rugby this week and will even have a professionally trained Rugby player coming in to work with the students for a day.  We will be taking a vote on if you want to play Rugby for the staff /student game instead of softball at the end of the year.  :

I always find it more difficult to say the things I mean than the things I don't.
W. Somerset Maugham (1874 - 1965)The Painted Veil, 1925 

Committee--a group of men who individually can do nothing but as a group decide that nothing can be done.
Fred Allen (1894 - 1956)

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