Friday, September 26, 2014


Mark led another excellent parent presentation for the Washington D.C. Trip Last night.  He did a great job of showing the parents (through pictures of past trips) how valuable this trip is for their 8th grade son or daughter.

Who is interested in being a member of the Tech Advisory Task force that will meet on November 17th and one other time this year.  It is important to have the staff voice represented in these meetings that will be taking feedback from all stakeholders.  Thanks to Adrienne for volunteering, I need two more reps.

Here is an article on teaching as an art and science.

The School Board was extremely impressed with our "walk-through" yesterday.  Thanks to everyone for doing a great job in their classroom.  Special thanks to Jessica A, Mark B, Steve and Laura, Kathy A, and Melissa F as I know it can be a little distracting to have 7 adults standing in the back of your room!

Simon Cowell beware, Lynette W and Jill W were busy judging the 5th and 6th graders talent as they were trying out for the Talent show coming up on Halloween.  Thanks for spending your time so our students can display a variety of their talents.

Remember that the most important communication you have with your students and parents is showing how much you care about your students.

Just a reminder that everyone's news article is due on Thursday, October 2nd.  Please make sure you submit the article to Ellen T by that date.

Thanks to Melissa L for organizing all of the emergency drills.  It takes a lot of coordination not only with the school but with the community.  Thank you.

Interesting article on how to actually "teach": Critical Thinking:

Thanks to Colleen M for bringing in the speaker today from Scarce to talk to the students about recycling and re-purposing.  Anytime we can bring an expert in for our students it strengthens their interest and achievement.

Some more great projects from our talented staff and creative students.  Thanks Mrs. Burkholder!

The power to Create.

20 strategies to support English Language Learners

If you don't know where you are going, any road will take you there.
Lewis Carroll (1832 - 1898)  
Never confuse movement with action.
Ernest Hemingway (1899 - 1961)   

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