Thursday, February 6, 2025


 I appreciate Nicole's willingness to help me out with a couple student situations this week.  Her social worker SEL approach is a good balance to the questions/conversations that I have with the students.  She is also keeping our weekly attendance meetings on track which help us improve attendance, tardies and parent communication.  

Please take  a look at the draft of the IAR schedule I sent out and give any feedback you have to your team leader.  

Only one article this week as it is filled with great information.  Take a minute to preview and then some longer time to explore when you have more time...some tried and true and some new.

Cognitive, metacognitive, and procedural scaffolding techniques:

scaffolding techniques

April and I met with the school board consultant, Dr. Sharma-Lewis on Thursday and she is looking to meet with a small group of staff representatives on Wednesday February 19th at 3:15pm.  This short meeting will follow the "continue, stop, start" format that she had planned for the community forum.  Please see me if you have questions.  

Our grade level data meetings Thursday were a spark for new interventions and parent communications but also a reason for celebration and praise for the students being released from our various supports.  Thanks for your hard work toward these efforts and remember to celebrate your successes. 


The PTA will be hard at work Friday night providing our 8th grade students with a class dance. I will be around to make sure they have everything they need to get started and then ...

Angela is doing an awesome job with the yearbook club.  I love the advertising with our students in action shots.  Now is the time to purchase if you want one.  

I am looking forward to the Theater Club presentation at the board meeting on Monday night.  I know that Stephen, April and Danielle have been working hard to get the kiddos ready for this early preview performance.  

Best of luck to Morgan Martin and her students that are performing at the band solo and ensemble contest this Saturday

We have a lot going on at our early release day on Wednesday February 12th.  I am grateful for the efforts of our instructional coaches who will be leading the book club conversation at the end of the day.  

Colleen and Alex are doing a great job of leading our student council kids with the Valentine Grams next week and are planning a school spirit week in the near future.  

It is great having Ellen Behrman in the house!  Having her as Vanessa's sub translates to seamless support! 

Dr. Filas, Tim, Aly A, Sarah and April all met this week for an initial moving meeting.  Working on the planning process details for moving class furniture and materials will ensure a smooth transition when it comes time for our summer construction projects.  More information to follow.  

Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.

Thomas A. Edison
If two men agree on everything, you may be sure that one of them is doing the thinking.

Lyndon B. Johnson
 (1908 - 1973)
I know that there are people who do not love their fellow man, and I hate people like that!

Tom Lehrer

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