Thursday, February 20, 2025


 Thanks to Mark, Jim, Lauren, Jen H, Nicole, April, Kim, Nicolett and Sherry for taking time after school to meet with the school board consultant.  Your thoughtful and insightful input given on behalf of the whole school staff is greatly appreciated. 

Reminder that the 5essentials survey is ready to take.  Take yours when you have time and alert me when you plan on giving it to your students. Here is the teacher link:

Danielle and Angela were able to get some great PD at the Ideacon Conference.  I am looking forward to them sharing with us some of the concepts/ideas that they learned.  

Greg has passed along another IAR/ISA resource where you can have the students  take a practice assessment to learn how to navigate the test and experience the types of questions they will see on the actual assessment. These practice tests do not require any proctor print cards or student print cards and are available for all grade levels and subjects.

Encouraging Students To Own Their Academic Growth (short video and article) about what we have been talking about with students and test scores.

Staff Spotlight recognition has been received by more of  our staff from their peers, parents and students.  Congratulation to Margaret, Jessica, Dan, Nicolett,  and Jen V on being outstanding!  

The purchasing deadline from school accounts is March 28th.  

I know I speak for everyone when I say how grateful we are for our teaching assistants.  Michele S, Ali K, Holly, Nicolett, Michele D, and Lori all work hard to find that balance between supporting students and giving space, being positive and reassuring to students even or especially when they are being difficult and carrying out staff directions to create growth and learning for our students.    

Please make sure you have followed superintendent Langton's direction of checking the seniority lists by today and alerting Solly of any discrepancies.  

The trimester ends today.  I appreciate your efforts to track down and accept students late work so grades can be finalized.  Special teachers please remind students of what special they will have on Monday when the next trimester starts.  

If you are on cycle I need to complete all summative Evaluations by March 15th.  Please send me your input for Domains 1 and 4 if you have not done so already.  

I appreciate April sending out the moving procedures for classes that will be renovated this summer.  

I also appreciate Joe completely taking over the activity bus duties. 

Resource databases to help explore Black History.

Thanks to Dr. Filas and the science teachers for meeting with the room designer Thursday to give their input on  science furniture.

"If the risk is fully aligned with your purpose and mission, then it’s worth considering." -- Peter Diamandis

"Don’t allow your wounds to transform you into someone you are not." -- Paulo Coelho

"The most remarkable thing about my mother is that for 30 years she served the family nothing but leftovers. The original meal has never been found." -- Calvin Trillin

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