Thursday, February 13, 2025


 Congrats to Michele Davis and the Tiger Times Staff on their newest issue. The Wedding Song quiz will get a lot of staff guessing and I like that Michele wrote articles to model great writing for her student journalists!

Congratulations to Morgan and the band students who participated in the Solo and Ensemble contest this past weekend.  Two students earned a Division 2 rating, and five students earned a Division 1 rating with a perfect score.  Way to go!

I appreciate the continued interest by teachers in attending the board meetings. As an added bonus many teachers were able to see the wonderful theater presentation from Stephen, Danielle, April and our wonderful cast and crew.

Grade level teachers......please go through the list of new additions to our student supports programs check in/check out and hw club and make sure students are aware of their new placement.  We had quite a few students that did not know this week.  

Using tech tools to promote SEL

Tech tools to promote SEL

I appreciate the effort everyone put into pushing out meaningful lessons and being available for students on our elearning day.  I will go to team to talk about rescheduling our learning activities/data dives that we missed. 

Speaking of data, superintendent Langton, Sarah and myself met with the Abre team yesterday to explore our new data platform.  Abre will be a powerful tool that will make accessing and analyzing all of our school and student data easy and efficient.  Much more information to come your way in the following weeks.  

I am super excited about our school visitation day on Tuesday, February 18th.  As a reminder, every teacher will visit another classroom during their plan or team time on that day.  How exciting to learn from each other.  

I appreciate Danielle and Angela presenting at our mentee meeting this week on Learning about Learning.  They did a great job as usual.

  Stress isn't all bad,,,here's when it can help.

Student council and NJHS are making this Valentine's Day special with the SC candy grams that come with a  crush soda that can be used to wash down all of the wonderful NJHS bake sale treats.  

Kerri Snyder has been posting away on social media highlighting our great students and staff.  Great job Kerri!

Team Leaders, Sherry, Kim and Michele Stein will represent our school in the 3:15 pm meeting with our school board consultant on February 19th.  

Huge props to Kim for her work to make online report cards possible.  

As a reminder the last day of the trimester is one week away.  Please encourage students to get assignments turned in and to study for any upcoming assessments.  

Remember, your Valentine’s card shows you care enough to send the very best, even though you’re too lazy to put it in your own words.
                                                           Melanie White

By all means marry. If you get a good wife, you'll be happy. If you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher.


I want to be the reason you look down at your phone and smile. Then walk into a pole.


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