Thursday, May 2, 2024


 Jen Harvel had her 5th grade students practice some amazing interview skills as they role played famous people past and present.  The kids did a great job.  

I am looking forward to the talent show today!  Thanks to Chris and Lynette for working hard to put on a great show for Benjamin and working with our students to hone their "talent".  Also, thanks to the staff for being willing to perform for our students.  This is going to be fun!

Michael Miles has partnered with our school for a long time and yesterday was his last performance.  He was amazing as ever getting 8th graders to sing and play guitar to a Queen song!

The 8th grade debates were as awesome as ever.  It is always great to see what our students are capable of when the bar is set high.  Thanks to Michele D and Bill for providing this opportunity for our students.  

I appreciate Jessica organizing some NJHS students to come to Benjamin on Saturday and give tours to community members who are learning about our capital plan organized by Dr. Woell.  

Thanks to everyone for sharing ideas at the staff learning meeting.  It is our actions as individuals that come together to make us an unbeatable team.  We can always get better, lets finish this last month of school strong.  

I am looking forward to the luncheon and to the articulation on Friday.  Listening and sharing information that can help the other team, not negativity is what will make this time valuable.  

Next week is staff appreciation week.  Bring your appetite and be ready for special surprises, The PTA is really pumped up to make this week special.  

"Dream audaciously. Have the courage to fail forward. Act with urgency." -- Phil Knight

"Thinking is difficult, that's why most people judge." -- Carl Jung

When you go into court you are putting your fate into the hands of twelve people who weren't smart enough to get out of jury duty.
Norm Crosby

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