Thursday, May 16, 2024


April Tepe did a great job of presenting her IMSA Fusion 7th grade class projects to the school board on Monday night.  Three of her students helped her present and did a wonderful job with their demonstrations!

I appreciate the 7th grade team preparing the Virtual Career Fair that the students had on Thursday afternoon.  Students were engaged and learned about different opportunities and career fields. 

Thursday afternoon was a busy one, 8th grade teachers were able to bring their students to WCCHS for an opportunity to learn more about their transition next year.  I appreciate the articulation and work the 8th grade team put in to make this happen.

Congrats to Joe, Bill, Carrie and Abbie for a successful track season with our students.  On Wednesday Night our Girls team took 4th overall and our boys won the conference!  It could not have taken place without all the hard work and organization provided by our coaches.  

Wishing Matt Tylk and the girls soccer team the best of luck this weekend as they enter the SWAC tournament.  

I would like to thank Evelyn, Frank, Isidrio and all of the volunteers that will be helping to make our all school picnic lunch go smoothly on Friday.

Mrs. Erickson and Ms. Harvel are working hard with all of the NJHS leadership students to prepare an engaging afternoon of activities in our annual Charity Fest.  I am always amazed at how the students step up to the challenge and at how much money we raise for charity.  Just a reminder not to park in the small gym parking lot tomorrow morning as NJHS will have a set-up there.  

I appreciate all of the hard work that went into the last subject area meeting of the year.  I want to give Danielle a special shout out for all of the hard work she has put into assisting with curriculum and instruction this year.  From HMH to curriculum maps to assessment analysis she has been my hands on the ground doing all of the hard work.  Thank you. 

Just a reminder as the year wraps up, close supervision of students and engaged learning activities will help reduce off task and misbehavior.  

For those of you that don't read "the papers", at Monday's board meeting we hired special ed teachers Heather Jimenez and Jen Matthews  for the 2024-2025 school year.  They will join Stephen Lewis as our three new teachers next year!

Thursday's assembly and Band and Choir Evening spring concert were both a smashing success.  Thanks to Melissa, April and Morgan for their preparation and practices all year that make the Spring Concert such a display of high level musical ability.  

I also want to thank Tim, Frank and Isidrio for all of their work in set-ups and takedowns during this busy time of year.  

"The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn't said".  

                                                                                   Peter Drucker

To me, boxing is like a ballet, except there's no music, no choreography, and the dancers hit each other.

Jack Handey 

"In each of us there are places we have never gone. Only by pressing the limits do you ever find them." -- Joyce Brothers

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