Thursday, November 16, 2023


 Huge thank you to Michele Davis, Lauren Dunne, and Sherry for helping to Organize the Staff Turkey celebration!  The food was great, the conversations and comradery was better!

Friday Dr. Woell and I will be carving turkeys in the lunchroom for the kiddos and staff.   I appreciate Elise's and Evelyn's extra assistance getting this organized.  Kids will not be rung up in the lunchroom but we will still need the lunch supervisors help in checking the list.

10 teacher picks for the best classroom tech tools.

Melissa L and Morgan took some of our 7th and 8th grade band and choir students to WCCHS for  great day of articulation with the music programs.  Our kids had a blast and learned a lot about high school opportunities.  

Don't forget about Sherry's tamale day email so you can get an order in for December 14th.  

Our teaching assistants were recognized at the school board meeting on Monday.  They are such an integral part of our success with students.  I want to thank Sue, Holly, Lori, Michelle S, Nicollette, Michele D, and Carrie for everything they do to help students and teachers.  

I appreciate that there is always a BEA rep at the school board meetings.  Keriann Moore had the honor this month (and it was a long one!)

At Tuesday's PTA meeting we were given a generous donation for Joe and Jen's hard work at the fun run.  I would love to see a  teacher rep at the PTA meetings and if you haven't signed up to be a PTA member yet (Benjamin is standing at 24) then you should! 

5 strategies for students who struggle with reading comprehension.

I enjoyed going around to the different subject area meetings  Wednesday after school and talking timesheets, purchasing processes and  answering capital project questions.  Speaking of the capital projects, I appreciate Dr. Woell's leadership in getting these improvements approved and communicating his vision to different stakeholder groups.   

I know it seems far away but we have our Chess Tournament on Saturday December 2nd.  We will be setting up the building (gyms and classrooms) on Friday December 1st after school.  

The data meetings we had on Thursday were filled with meaningful conversations and ideas.  

Thanks to Kim for getting all of the grades imported correctly into the report cards and to Evelyn for getting the report cards in the envelopes.  We will come back to homerooms at the end of the day to hand them out to students.  

Jen H's 5th grade School Board appreciation presentations and Michelle F and Carrie L's book dedications were well received by the school board on Monday night.  I appreciate their effort on these projects.  

Please make sure that you check out the email Solly sent out and save the date for the Holiday Breakfast.  Friday, December 15th, 6:30am in the Benjamin Small Gym.  

It is great seeing Greg in the building and he gave a great presentation on the state of tech in our district at the school board meeting on Monday.  I would also like to welcome Ellen B back who will be helping us out from time to time with technology.  

I know we are all wishing Kerry K the best of luck with her maternity leave and the new addition to her family that will soon be arriving.  

As we wrap up American Education Week I hope each of you know how much I appreciate the individual talents you bring to our school and how strong we are together. I hope that all of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family and enjoy the week off.  You deserve it!

"Negative thoughts were treated by Cherokee healers with the same medicines as wounds, headaches, or physical illness. It was believed that unchecked negative thoughts can permeate the being and manifest themselves in negative actions." -- Wilma Mankiller

"Belonging starts with self-acceptance. Believing that you’re enough is what gives you the courage to be authentic." -- Brené B

"The minority is always stronger than the majority, because the minority is generally formed by those who really have an opinion."

-- Soren Kierkegaardrown

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