Thursday, December 21, 2023


 I want to thank Danielle, Angela and Melissa for the Blog Help they provided the last three weeks.  There were a lot of activities that needed recognition and I appreciate them stepping up.  

I have heard nothing but praise about the Chicago Symphony Orchestra assembly.  What a special opportunity that most schools will never have.  Thanks to Melissa for organizing this. 

Mrs. LaMantia and the 5th grade teachers and students went Caroling to three local nursing homes.  This was not only a fun event for our students but also brought out empathy and caring skills from our students.  

7th grade is going to the Art Institute today.  What a rich cultural experience they will have in one of the best showcases of art in the country. 

Holiday Spirit Week was a blast this week.  Thanks to Colleen, Alex and student council for planning these fun spirit days.  

34 ways to quiet a rambunctious class.

The Tiger Times came out with a new edition.  I was super impressed with the number of high quality articles the kids put together.  Thanks to Jessica for guiding this group of student journalists.  

Dr. Salamone hosted a great Special Education celebration for both buildings on Wednesday.  Conversation, laughter and bonding was the order of the day.  

Sherry put together another great student parade with the help of  Megan and Angela.  Please check  out this short outtake below.  The rest of the video will be sent via email.

Thanks to Dan for putting together the student vs. staff BB game.  A great time was had by all.  

Before you start your day on Friday please pick up a holiday appreciation gift from Melissa and myself in the conference room and then go to the lounge for some breakfast treats.  We hope you guys have a fun and restful holiday with your family.  You deserve it.  

"Your child’s life will be filled with fresh experiences. It’s good if yours is as well." -- Margaret Rutherford

"When two people meet, each one is changed by the other so you've got two new people." -- John Steinbeck

"Standing still is the fastest way of moving backwards in a rapidly changing world." -- Lauren Bacall


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