Thursday, November 2, 2023


 Huge thank you to Danielle and Angela for putting a lot of time and effort into the presentations for Friday.  Your hard work and professionalism are appreciated.  

Thanks to Solly for getting a good breakfast for us to start our day with on Friday.  I am looking forward to Dr. Woell's presentation and hearing your feedback.  We have a busy day so make sure your computer is charged!  I sent out the evaluation to your email tonight.  

Also thanks to Tim and our custodial staff for getting everything set-up for our great day of learning tomorrow.  

Halloween week ended in a blast with costumes for both students and adults.  Thanks for participating in spirit week and thanks to Colleen and Alex for guiding the student council kids in coming up with the ideas!

The fish store is replenished with desirable goods!  I will be stopping by teams to hand out new fish slips.

Thanks again to everyone for responding quickly and following directions/procedures to ensure student safety during our Halloween Kitchen Situation.  Students followed your lead and we were able to quickly get back to learning.  

strategies for guiding the learning process  (click the link for bigger image)

I know it came out last week but I just got done reading the latest edition of the Tiger Times.  Very impressed with the scope of articles from a through history of the Premier Soccer League to sage advice from an experienced student on the ill effects of homework.  Outstanding work as usual.  

Thanks to everyone for making valuable use of your team and plan time everyday.  I am always amazed at what you can get accomplished in that short amount of time.  

9 good classroom uses for AI    (These are pretty cool!)

Parent teacher conferences went off very well today.  I will talk with Dr. Woell and Mrs. Smith to relay that the level of participation with Zoom meetings significantly dropped this year.  In person parents I spoke with talked highly of the time spent with teachers and the timeliness of schedule.  Great job everyone.

Special thanks to Kim for getting all zoom and in-person conferences scheduled through our online platforms.  I am very grateful that  I can count on her to get the job done. 

The fascinating history of Cemeteries

Don't forget your health clinic appointments if you made them for tomorrow AM.  Thanks to Dr. Filas for organizing this event.  

I enjoyed getting to see Michael Miles in music class and Sherry's day of the dead activity celebrations.  Our students are so lucky to have these opportunities/experiences to learn from.  

"If there is knowledge, it lies in the fusion of the book and the street." -- Studs Terkel

“You can’t get much done in life if you only work hard on the days you feel good.” -- Jerry West

"In times like these, it helps to recall that there have always been times like these." -- Paul Harvey

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