Thursday, August 31, 2023

Bengal Blog 9-1-2023

 Curriculum Night was well attended.  I was able to get in the halls and poke my head into some classrooms to watch a great evening.  Verbally checking in with many parents, they agree that we are off to a great start. Thanks to Jessica for rounding up some great NJHS volunteers.  

Just a heads up Next week I have  admin academies on the 5th and 6th and am at a conference on the 7th. My admin academies will be online so I will be locking myself in the office but will have some availability. My conference on the 7th is out of the building so Melissa will be subbing for me.  Thanks in advance to everyone for working together and using your leadership on these days.  

I was able to get into a bunch of classes this week. Always the favorite part of my job.  Thanks for keeping up the fantastic job, I know how much work and energy guess into what you do each day.

Thanks to Bill, Sue, Chris, Joe, Jim, Jen, Jessica and Lynette the the job they do everyday in the lunchroom. They definitely have to be on your toes to keep up with our students appetites and enthusiasm. Also thanks to Evelyn and Kim for the extra time spent making sure kids are signed up for lunch and communicating with parents about milk sign up.

Speaking of lunch duty, thanks to Bill and Sue for catching the BenQ that was falling off the wall at lunch and then to Nicole, Erik and Kim who helped hold it up until Frank and Isidrio could arrive.  
It takes a Village! 

On August 31st, 1837 Ralph Waldo Emerson delivered a fantastic speech on a variety of topics including the importance of education.  Take a few minutes to read.  

Sports are in high gear with soccer, volleyball and cross-country all having matches this week.  Thanks to Dan, Bill, Joe, Meghan, and Matt for their hard work with our student athletes. 

 Let's make sure that parent communicating stays at a high level this year. Keeping parents informed on what may seem like small things keeps the Parent/teacher partnership strong  to help our students.

Speaking of Parent Teacher relationships, please sign up for PTA membership if you have not done so already. The benefits are spectacular.

Last call for social fund! Please get your $ to Lauren.  This helps pay for some of the big (and small) celebrations. 

Thanks to Michelle and Carrie for working hard at the Book Fair  this week.  Profits go back to the library for more books.  I appreciate them working together to benefit our students.  

Thanks to everyone for getting your newsletter into Evelyn this week.  

A new approach to flexible grouping.  

I hope everyone enjoys their Labor Day and has some time to not Labor and relax with their family.  
Here is a short video on Labor Day.  

"Excellence is not an act but a habit. The things you do the most are the things you will do best." -- Marva Collins

"Talent is cheap; dedication is expensive. It will cost you your life." -- Irving Stone

"Being honest may not get you a lot of friends, but it’ll always get you the right ones." -- John Lennon

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