Thursday, August 24, 2023

Bengal Blog 8-25-2023

 Erik, Nicole, Lori and Evelyn have been doing a great job in their first week as Bengals!  Please make sure you check in on them when you can and say hello.

Thanks to Greg, Vanessa, Alicia and Neida for their continued tech support this week!

Speaking of help thanks to Danielle and Angela who were on hand with for our HMH training and have expanded their instructional coaching support to our ELA teams district wide this week.

Thanks to Dr. Woell for his data presentation and his words of wisdom about family.  

Thanks to Solly, Evelyn and Kim for getting us fed on Monday and Tuesday!!!

I appreciate Dr. Filas's help in making the PO system efficient and his willingness to sit down with staff and listen to their questions while providing feedback and suggestions.  

Thanks to the Specials Team for providing the F!sh Presentation to the 5th graders today.  This is the foundation of our Character Ed program and will help them make positives decisions throughout the day. 

Please let me know if you have any feedback on my presentation on 13 data types that we can track this year.  I plan on using this information for the basis  of our SIP plan this year.  

Thanks to Jen V and Joe for showing such great flexibility with their gym space as it is used for multiple activities as we start the year.  

I am happy that Carrie has brought her library experience to our LMC.  She has been working hard to get our library ready for students!

How to engage students the moment they walk in the room.  


I sent out a reminder about dress code to parents yesterday.  Please make sure that our staff is also following the dress code to model for students.  Please keep jeans and casual wear for Fridays.  

Club supervisors please remember to update your page on the website!

Try an optimistic closure to your lesson

I am looking forward to the PTA welcome back night tonight from 6-8 in our upper parking lot.  I hope some of you can stop by.  Also please remember to join PTA it is well worth your investment.

Don't forget to pay your social fund to Lauren Dunne ($22)

I will be in the Gym all day today, reinforcing our expectations, talking about goal setting, taking charge of their own education and treating each other with kindness among other things.  I will also be asking them for ideas for improvement to make our school better.

60 second strategies for educators.

60 second strategies

I was able to get into a few classrooms this week but look forward to getting into much more next week!  Also if you are on cycle please make sure you are thinking about your student growth goals and when you want to set up your first observation.  

Please remember to send me your curriculum writing proof to me.  Once I review them all I will send an email to tell people to submit their time sheet.  

Please make sure that you get ready for curriculum night this Wednesday from 6:30pm-8pm!  What a great night to showcase your curriculum and the great work you do with kids.   

"The bird rises against a strong head wind, not only in spite of the wind, but because of it. The opposing forces become a lifting force if faced at the right angle." -- L.B. Cowman

"I haven't got the slightest idea how to change people, but still I keep a long list of prospective candidates just in case I should ever figure it out." -- David Sedaris

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