Thursday, February 3, 2022


 Thanks to everyone for providing meaningful lessons for our E-learning days.  From what I gather from teams attendance/participation by the students has been extremely high.  

Yesterday we had another round of grade level Data meetings.  Thanks for everyone working together to provide solutions and supports to help our students.  Please remember that parent communication is the best solution to helping most students to get homework turned in or bring up their grade.  

4 ways to remove bias from grading.

Thanks to Danielle and Angela for providing the content for our Staff Leaning meeting in the form of their podcasts # 8 & 9.  Link below if you haven't listened to them yet the link is below.

Huge shout out to Tim, Tony and Frank for keeping our parking lots and sidewalks clean of snow and ice and safe for our students and staff.  

Three alternatives to detention.

Thanks to Leslie for getting all of our March 4th County Wide Institute Day registrations processed and payment sent in.  If you are staying in house please send me your agenda if you haven't done so yet.

If you are on cycle and chose the alternative evaluation please check in with me next week.   

Thanks for everyone getting the 5 essentials survey done with your students and for taking it yourself.  

Our home girls basketball games have been fun this year, Dan and Matt have done a great job coaching as usual and the Varsity team is on an exciting winning streak.  Thanks to Bill, Rich, and Marcia doing the scoreboard and book and all of our staff supervisors.  

Supporting executive Function Skills by asking questions.

This Wednesday is our early release day 1:45pm-4:00pm  Agenda will be forthcoming. 

On February 15th our 6th grade will be celebrating Lucas Alvarez as he is being honored as a finalist in the NASA perseverance award.  The live zoom will be in the main gym at noon.  Any staff that would like to attend are more than welcome.  Thanks to Betty for nominating him. 

If you don't make a total commitment to whatever you are doing, then you start looking to bail out the first time the boat starts leaking.  Its tough enough getting the boat to shore with everyone rowing, let alone when a guy stands up and starts putting his life jacket on.

                                                                                                        Lou Holtz

There's nothing in the middle of the road but yellow stripes and dead armadillos.

                                                                                                    Jim Hightower

Morale is the greatest single factor in successful wars.  

                                                            Dwight D. Eisenhower

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