Thursday, February 10, 2022


 Happy to have Michael Miles in the building today.  Stop by Melissa's room during your plan period for a few minutes if you would like to brighten your day.

How Hexagons can help students think critically. (pretty cool idea)

I sent out the sub support google form yesterday.  I accidently said it was for next week 7-14-2022, I obviously meant 2-14-2022.  Thanks to Jen H and Marilyn for the awesome job they are doing helping students and staff in the building.

We had a new 8th grade student start yesterday.  The reason I bring it up was the multitude of times that I saw other 8th grade students genuinely helping her navigate her way through her new school on her first day.  #bengalpride 

How Fan Fiction can do wonders for student writing.

I appreciate both the Team Leaders and the Master Schedule Committee for giving up some of their early release time to help support the school as a whole.  I truly appreciate it.

The curriculum map format doc that was sent out Wednesday is meant to help people that are done examining their curriculum maps and wanted to start inputting information on the new form.  There will be more discussion, information (including timeline) and help for this as this is just the very beginning of this process for those that are ready. To be clear, however, this is the format that we will be using.  Thanks once again to Danielle for helping articulate with teams and her work on putting the format together.

The Survival guide for being overwhelmed.  Lots of stuff we have talked about before but in a different way and a good reminder.

We have found out that Lucas Alvarez has indeed won the NASA Student Persistence Award.  We are excited to be honoring him on Tuesday, February 15th at 11;45am in the main gym.  Thanks to Vanessa for providing needed tech support and to Betty and Megan D for nominating Lucas for this award.

Congrats to Dan, Matt and the Girls Varsity and JV Basketball Team as they secured victories Thursday night.

Thanks to my lunchroom supervisors.  The following up after the kids are done eating before they are dismissed has done wonders for minimizing the mess.  

What kind of person do you want to see in the mirror each morning.

PST team met with SASED on Thursday morning who presented different ways we could support our students with Check-In/Check-Out like activities.  They are different and 2 of the three can easily be adapted to our specific needs.  More info to follow. 

I hope everyone has a great weekend.  You deserve it.

Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish that they are after.

                                                                                        Henry David Thoreau

The opportunities for enjoyment in your life are limitless.  If you feel you are not experiencing enough joy, you have only yourself to blame.  

                                        David E. Bresler

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