Thursday, February 17, 2022


Thanks to Dr. Woell for navigating the district through the masking changes and two school board meetings this week.  We appreciate your careful planning and making student and staff safety a priority while still moving forward. 

 Thanks to Kim for providing the complementary extra drinks in the lounge for Valentines Day.  We appreciate it.

Reading 1.5 books a month will put you in the super achiever category

Melissa L will be taking her choir students on a field trip to the Chicago Symphony Orchestra today.  What an exciting  and educational trip for these music students.

Thinking Critically about Goal Setting (good article)

What a great event we had on Tuesday, Lucas A and the 6th grade team was able to hear more than a dozen NASA scientists and engineers as he was honored with the perseverance award.  

Thanks to Jessica and Jen H for organizing the big valentine treat sales, they were able to raise a lot of money  that will benefit one of their charities. Thanks also to Colleen and Alex for organizing the food drive.  This will help the food pantry.  I love seeing Benjamin Student goops giving back to the larger community.

Good luck to Miss. Martin and our band as they will compete in the solo and ensemble contest this Saturday.  

The 7 habits that lead to happiness in old age.

As we embark upon another change today I wanted to thank you in advance for your flexibility, endurance and positivity this year.  The kids will need guidance, extra understanding and kindness as we stay together as one school community.  

I hope everyone enjoys their extra day on Monday and you get to take advantage of some extra rest and relaxation

"When you know how to listen, everyone is the guru." -- Ram Dass

"Where you stumble and fall, there you discover the gold." -- Joseph Campbell

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