Thursday, January 6, 2022


 It is Friday!  Thanks once again for working together as a team to get through this upward swing. You deserve the rest and relaxation this weekend will hopefully provide.  

Thanks to Betty for getting the ACCESS Test organized for her students.

Thanks to Kim for all of the planning and schedule coordination she is doing to make sure we are getting positions covered the best we can for both Benjamin and Evergreen. We appreciate it.

Thanks also goes out to Marcia, Megan S and Jignasa for all of the work they are doing to help identify and communicate student covid cases to parents.

Using positive feedback in math classes.

Jen Harvel has been rocking the online teaching,handling 4 grade levels and many students. Thanks for your continued communication with her that enables her to best help our Remote students.  

I was able to get in some classrooms this week as I was covering some teaching assistant positions and as usual I am amazed at the job all the teachers were doing.  Just to point out two examples, I never knew earths folds, faults and hanging/foot walls could be so entertaining.  Kids really picked up and retained all of Mr. Allard's scientific concepts!  Joe H also did an exceptional job of including Kerry's students into his class activity.  It was exciting to see them participate.  

Just a reminder that Wednesday will be an early release schedule.  I will hopefully have the schedule sent out by the end of the day(Friday).

Please also remember to sign up/register for the DuPage County Wide Institute on March 4th.  Please refer to my earlier email on the proper process that must be followed whether you are staying in the building or going out for your learning opportunity.  The deadline (so things can be properly registered from the district office) is January 28th.



Thanks to the 8th grade team for getting the students ready for the start of the high school transition.  8th grade students will attend a presentation by the high school on Tuesday.

Best of Luck to Dan, Matt and the boys basketball team in their playoff games this weekend!

Resolutions for a life worth willing.

We will be starting the 5 Essential Survey for students, staff and parents.  The survey runs from January 11th-March 11th.  More details to follow. 

Thank you to Team for setting the next STAR testing dates.

If you are on cycle you should talk with me next week to schedule your next formal observation.    

"Your task is not to foresee the future, but to enable it." -- Antoine de Saint-Exupery

"Every day of our lives we are on the verge of making those changes that would make all the difference. 

-- Mignon McLaughlin 

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