Thursday, December 16, 2021


 I enjoyed the Tamale Party Sherry had with her spanish classes, what a great way to celebrate the spanish food and culture.  It was also great to see so many parents helping out!

Today is Debbie Olson's last day.  She has been an awesome coworker, friend and role model to our students.  I know I speak for everyone when I say we will miss her and wish her the best of luck in her well deserved retirement.

So there were many positives of being upstairs in my "second office" and being present in the hallway.

    students came to me with problems to solve

    students joked with me (even complemented my avocado socks)

    students were more aware of their own behavior in the hall

    I was able to hear Bill and Michelle deliver great lessons to their classes

Once we get back from break I will talk with the 8th grade students as a whole about expectations.  Thanks to all grade levels for tightening up their bathroom, hallway, mask break and study skills procedures.  Students will follow behavior expectations that they are taught and consistently enforced. 

How to give positive feedback on student writing.

Angela and Danielle's latest podcast "Just Breathe" is available and is a great way to spend 30minutes during your break.

Great Idea for all Teams #bengalpride

Sherry, Angela and Megan did a great job with STEM Parade.  The students really enjoy this project and are engaged while learning important stem concepts.  Check out the video below and stick around until the end.

I enjoyed getting a chance to see Melissa's students perform on their keyboards.  Students enjoyed their growth in musical talent and some students who had previous experience  were able to show off their harder musical pieces for their peers.  

I would like to thank Cheryl W for her dedication to Benjamin 25 over the past few years.  She definitely was able to tighten up some procedures to make sure we were in compliance and brought some processes more current with present day.

Thanks to Greg for giving 5th grade tours of the Maker Space.  Josh will be running the after school club starting on January 10th on certain Mondays and Wednesdays After school.  Once we get that off the ground I will be sending out instructions on attending Maker Space during study skills.  The specific directions will address eligibility for students to go to the maker space as well as limit the numbers so that student stay safe and Michele and Kathy can supervise this extension to the LMC. 

Dan, Matt and Nicole have done a tremendous job with the Boys basketball and dance team respectively.  I appreciate the non-gametime guidance and life lessons they share with their players to make them better sports and young adults.  

Thanks to Colleen, Alex and student council for the fun dec-a-door contest along with the awesome spirit week.  

Thanks to Megan and the STAR Bengals Staff for their hard work including Kendra's Monster Cookies addition.  

I want to welcome Natalie Principe to the district.  She has already been making a positive impact upstairs at the Ad Center and I will invite her to attend team meetings sometime when we get back from break.

I am looking forward to breakfast at Evergreen.  Thanks to Dr. Woell for keeping this tradition going and to Jen S for organizing and facilitating the breakfast.  

You will find a small treat from Melissa and I in your mailbox.  The book is something that you can read a few pages at a time and is fun read about overcoming your personal resistance, exploring your creativity and being successful in  any aspect of your life.  

I hope you all have a wonderful break filled with relaxation and a balance of time with family and peaceful solitude.  

I thought this quote would be the perfect request for the last day of school before winter break.  

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