Thursday, January 13, 2022


 Huge shout out to all of the subs, teaching assistants and teachers who have helped to cover classes, changed their usual duties and have been going above and beyond to ensure that students are getting the help and support they need and keep both schools open for in-person learning.  I cannot be prouder of a group of individuals as I am of this staff.  Your dedication could not prosper as it has without caring about not only students but caring about each other.  Thank you.  

Changing your feedback to get your students full potential.

Thanks to Dr. Woell for going through the new cdc/idph guidance so we could implement it in our district.  I have been to teams to talk about the major changes.  One important change that I did not mention was when students come back from Covid or being a close contact between day 6-10.  They have to have their mask on at all times, including outside during mask breaks or recess.  This has to be followed and I need teachers to be on top of it.  If the student needs an actual break from a mask they can  go to the office and I can escort them outside to a mask break on their own or you can supervise them to be beyond 6 feet of distance from everyone with no exceptions.  During lunch, lunch supervisors must ensure that they are again at least 6 feet from each other just like everyone else.  Please let me know if you have any questions.  

Thanks to everyone for their hard work on the the early release day. E-Learning planning, curriculum work and completing the 5 essentials survey were all on the agenda as well as a big thanks to the master schedule committee who continue to meet to help improve the schedule for efficiency and productivity.  

If you are on cycle  please make sure that you have scheduled your second observation with me by next week.  Also now is a good time for teachers doing growth goals to see if you are on track and have a discussion with me if their are any concerns.  

Interesting article on slowing down the internet/email.

Thanks to Sherry, Colleen and Michelle F for supervising HW club.  This club is very helpful for the students who can take advantage of the time/place to get work completed.

Thanks to all my am and PM supervisors.  You guys have been vital to a smooth transition to the start and finish of the day.  Your attendance and punctuality have been exemplary.  

How to quiet your mind and find peace!

Thanks to Matt Tylk for getting the girls basketball season off the ground this week with two different sets of practices.  

Remember your Zorro Circle!

Thanks to the 8th grade for facilitating the High School course selection/Orientation meeting on Tuesday. 

7 Tech Hacks for teachers...these are actually really cool and useful!

Josh did a great job launching maker space club Monday after school with about 15 students in attendance.  This is a great club that allows students with different interests explore their creativity and problem solving.  Also thanks to Michelle F for having the flexibility to shift her gamers club to a different part of the library on days when the two clubs conflict.  Finally thanks to Vanessa for setting up the computers for this to be possible.  Maker Space during study skills is still not open but I should have guidelines available soon to make this happen.

In honor of MLK day here are some resources from the Martin Luther King Jr. Research and Education Institute at Stanford University

"Your mind will give back to you exactly what you put into it." -- James Joyce

"Gratitude lifts our eyes off the things we lack so we might see the blessings we possess." -- Max Lucado

No trumpets sound when the important decisions of our life our made. Destiny is made known silently. Agnes deMille

We are not permitted to choose the frame of our destiny. But what we put into it is ours. Dag Hammarskjold

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