Friday, November 6, 2020


 Thanks to everyone for doing a stellar job on Zoom conferences last night.  I know it is a quick turn around for school today, and I appreciate it. Parent/Teacher conferences are a wonderful opportunity to connect with parents and get kids on the right track.  Also thanks to Kim for setting up the Sign-up Genius and Daniele for getting the Zoom links organized.  

SS teachers infographic Now to Inauguration:

Thanks to Todd for spearheading the new online translation service and to Angela for getting it up and running.  This will be accessible for all staff and will make communicating with parents that speak other languages so much easier.  

The benefits of writing and gratitude:

MJ did a great job of showing her kids about the election  as they had to go to a voting both, fill out a ballot for lunch options, sign their name and wait for results (not as long as our country has).  

Veterans Day is Wednesday and even though our students will be off because a Remote Learning Planning Day Melissa has organized a way to celebrate our Veterans with the help of Chris F, Matt Turek, April, Angela, and Danielle.  There will be a video with a special choir and Band performance, reading of Flanders Field and other background information all tied up in a special BB300 Wednesday edition.  We will ask that you share it within normal means and w will also share through social media.  Special shout out to our Veterans Rich and Bill.  

Twitter Quote: 

 Remember: Students -- particularly in middle school -- often struggle to develop positive work behaviors and habits. So, that kid in your class with a dozen missing assignments doesn't need a bigger consequence. He/she needs a well-planned intervention.

Operation Bengal Care will again be collecting leftover Halloween candy to send to our troops via Operation Care Package a Veterans Organization that ensures that our troops are remembered.  There will be a box in the office and in various first periods.  

You had one job!

Fire drills are November 16th and 17th at 2:00pm. Mark your calendar.  

Increasing student engagement in remote learning.

Thanks to Marcia and Megan S for Keeping the "Moving to and from" remote list updated through their emails and to you guys for making it work.  Just a reminder, that parents will soon get a "round 2" survey from Dr. Woell to decide if they want to be remote or in person for second trimester.  (November 16th to February 25th). We may see people choosing to switch from remote to in-person and vice versa.

"Write your Sad times in Sand, Write your Good times in Stone." -- George Bernard Shaw

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