Thursday, October 29, 2020


 It was great seeing kids in all of the classrooms this week. I am extremely proud of the great job you guys are doing with our in-person and remote students.  Teaching safety procedures and curriculum in-person and through new technology has been difficult but you have gotten the job done.

I am also grateful to everyone for practicing safe procedures outside of school that has allowed our staff attendance to be strong and our school to operate smoothly.  Special thanks to Holly and Mr. Durkin for being our super subs this week. 

Thanks to Vanessa, Ellen, Danielle and Angela for the quick turn around with the devices this week.  We appreciate all of your hard work.  

Greg has worked out a system to give subs  access to Canvas, Zoom and powerschool.  I will be testing it out and sending out directions soon.

Making quality video instruction

It was awesome to hear from a teacher that she received a message from one of her students telling her how much he enjoyed her asynchronous lesson on the election.  Sounds like some excellent planning that was engaging and tied in current events.  I am glad that the asynchronous days are being used for meaningful learning.

                                                Maslow Before Bloom

Thanks to all of our lunchroom supervisors, entrance workers and parking lot supervisors.  Your hard work has made this week run smoothly.

When Kids say I am not a Reader...

If you watched the BB300 you saw the special announcement about this years planned Musical.  Thanks to Melissa, April and Danielle for putting in the effort to make the clues and announcement special.  

Due to Parent Teacher conferences starting on the 5th, the staff learning meeting on November 4th is cancelled so you can use that time as needed to prepare.  

Speaking of PTC please make sure you copy your Zoom Information into the google doc that Danielle sent instruction for. Thanks To Danielle and Kim G for organizing this for us.  

Just a reminder about Dr. Woell's email, we will be taking November 11th and December 2nd as Remote Learning Planning Days.  

4 small habits that can make you energetic and productive

Thanks to Ellen for organizing the lunch process with Sodexo.  making it an easy process benefits our families. 

Thanks to Janice Y for helping our district tell our story through social media.  If you have any pics please send them her way. 

Thanks to MJ and her students for keeping the artwork coming. 

 Risks, I like to say, always pay off. You learn what to do, or what not to do."

-- Jonas Salk

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