Thursday, November 12, 2020


 3...2.....1....take a deep breath your conference marathon is almost over.  Nice job by all staff for putting in the time and effort on these worthwhile conversations with families.

Focusing on Feedback in Distance Learning

Thanks to Megan D for organizing a special COVID 8th grade t-shirt.  They look great and I'm sure the kids appreciate it.  

For our music teachers!

Thanks to Melissa for organizing our virtual veterans day celebration and to Angela, Chris, Danielle Matthew, and April for working together to make it happen.  The video was outstanding.  It is below if you didn't get to see it.  

I never shared this awesome parade that Sherry did with the help of Angela and Megan P.  Such acting talent by our staff and the kids had a blast.  

How about a round of applause for our teaching assistants.  They have been tremendous over the past couple weeks of in-person instruction and will adapt to giving online support for the near future.  We couldn't do it without you.  

Jessica did a great job with her crack reporters on this latest issue of the Tiger Times. Please consider her request to incorporate it into lessons if possible.  Also thanks to Jessica for sharing the snapshot feature in AR, hopefully teachers can use that to motivate students.

Strategies to get reluctant students to share their cameras.

Thanks to Lauren D for organizing the Jimmy Johns today.   She is truly a one person Social I mean it...she is the only one on the the only person ....not a metaphor....Ok, i'll stop now #doingitalone #allbyherlonesome  #noonewantstoshareintheaggravation

Can Do Descriptors.  A free tool for EL differentiation in your classroom.

Thanks to everyone for using the RLP day to its fullest and to April for suggesting the optional meetings. many participated and shared great ideas.  You guys are truly each others greatest resources.  

Thanks to Kim and Ellen for their hard work today getting the letters out and for everything they do to help our school run smoothly.

6 Ideas for infusing choice in math classes

 A big shout out to my morning lot crew, door crew, and afternoon parking lot and bus crew.  You guys made it happen and made it look easy.  Some of you have asked me for letters of reference for jobs at the United Center. I created a form letter that you can fill in your name.

Ways to give students screen-time breaks:

As we move into remote learning next week I want to thank you for the hard work you put into hybrid Arnold said "We will be back"   well, he said "I'll be back" but that doesn't fit the point I am trying to make.  Remember, before we moved into hybrid you guys were saying "We're just getting good at this" (Remote Learning)  You have the skills, remember your tools and lets make connections with those kids.  Your adaptability is tremendous and I appreciate all you do to help students.  Let me know how I can help you, help your students.  

You have to be fast on your feet and adaptive or else a strategy is useless." -- Charles de Gaulle

"Most of the problems in life are because of two reasons, we act without thinking or we keep thinking without acting." -- Zig Ziglar

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