Thursday, October 8, 2020


Thanks to everyone for your excellent questions and hard work on Wednesday.  There will always be more questions but we are getting closer to being ready because of your teamwork and positive thinking. 

5 Keys to Successful HW Assignments during Remote Learning

Congratulations to Kerry and her husband on the announcement of their upcoming birth of their first child. We are all happy for the joy it will bring to your life, and already a Cubs fan! #predeterminedloyalty

New Zoom Features including a Virtual Seating Chart and more efficient unmuting features.

MJ's class has been busy academically but have also had time to express themselves creatively. I am a racetrack sponsor!

Thanks once again to Jenny P for what she has brought to Benjamin's students and staff.  We appreciate you.

Angela and Danielle are ready to train you for your new BenQ and you don't have to wait for yours to be installed.  There is one installed and ready to go.  Just reach out to get your training today.  A majority of the BenQ's will be installed on Columbus Day when teachers are out of the building.  

Now more than ever our students are exposed to Cyber-bullying.  Here is a helpful guide to assist in prevention with great information and activities.

Thanks to the Tech Liaisons for working with Greg and the tech team on the new technology set-up for the classrooms and communicating to our staff about that, the imaging of student devices and more.  

A journey towards civility.

I have been working on class lists in terms of balancing out the students who have siblings at Evergreen or in our building due to our 6th grade being split A-H and I-Z instead of the same as the rest of the district which is A-L and M-Z. This involves looking at each class list for #'s and calling parents to get all siblings to school on the same day.  Please know that the schedules will be as balanced as they can be but will not be evenly split between the days. 

Thanks to Jen V, Lynette W, Lauren D and Melissa L for interviewing potential teaching assistants with me.  Your help is appreciated.  

How Teaching Hope in School may be the secret to Success.

Mark your Calendars Parent Teacher Conferences coming up soon. Nov 5th, 10th, 12th via Zoom.  More details to follow.  

I hope everyone enjoys the extended weekend and takes time to do some self-care. 

"People run from rain but sit in bathtubs full of water."

-- Charles Bukowski


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