If it is easy then it probably isn't learning. Good article
Lauren D and Jessica did a tremendous job of organizing and running the NJHS Induction Ceremony on Wednesday Night. It was also great to see Benjamin and NJHS alumni coming back to speak to the students.
I enjoyed going around to the subject area meetings yesterday and hearing the discussions and concerns about our gifted and talented students and student data in both ILAR and Math. These conversations will help us move closer to reaching each child where they are at...no matter what section they are in.
It's not about cramming in more content...please read
Dan and Matt are back at it with our girls basketball teams, as usual they showed great teamwork, sportsmanship and skill in their victories on Thursday. (not sure if the 5th/6th grade team won)
I enjoyed getting into more classrooms this week. I particularly liked seeing the teamwork of Lauren, Jill and Michelle as they joined forces in the LMC to help our 5th graders with their wild animal research papers.
Make their Day #fishphilosophy
Please schedule your formal observation with me if you still need to and let me know if you have any questions on your student growth goals.
Finding Happiness in Challenging Moments. Short Video from Shawn Achor.
Team Leaders will be talking to you soon about items we discussed in our team leader meeting on Tuesday. I feel very lucky to be surrounded by so many smart and caring people.
Best new websites for students.
A big thanks to Lauren, Chris and Melissa F who welcomed two practicum students to Benjamin from North Central College. Please say hi to Kaileen and Elizabeth if you see them in the building.
Love this Habits of Mind Board from Megan P
As team leaders are going to be talking to you about, we have a great opportunity to send a couple of teachers to Bloomington on March 6th and 7th as part of a Teach to Lead Conference. Please see me or Debbie LeBlanc if you are interested. We are sending teachers from both schools to represent our district.
Relationships, Relationships...oh yeah, relationships
Thanks to Ellen T and Kim for working hard and putting up with me day in and day out in the office. I couldn't do it without you.
Thanks to all of the lunch supervisors for everything you do to maintain Law and Order in the lunchroom each day. I appreciate it!

and now a baby eating ice cream for the first time and another trying to eat a banana...just because
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