Check out how one of Lauren D's students is adding their STEM skills to her classroom.
Thanks to all of the teams for scheduling the 5Essentials survey with your students. I appreciate you taking the time to fill it our yourself during your plan time.
25 Tiny Habit changes that will make you a different person a year from now. Some good stuff!
Jessica has Intramurals back in action. Having students that weren't on the official school team gives them an opportunity to grow their skills and have fun.
Tuesday we have the high-school counselors coming over to se our 8th grade students and we have our 5th graders going to the Paramount Theater in Aurora to see the Beauty and the Beast theater production.
Think about sharing this student podcast challenge with your students.
Please remember to be working on your student growth goals if you are on cycle this year. they are due February 1st. Please see me if you have any questions or need to make a mid-point adjustment.
Teaching actual curriculum guide. (different then the post above)
I am on my 9th Project-Lit book this year. Thanks to Megan P for encouraging me (and more importantly her students) to read these great novels.
Just a reminder that this Wednesday we have our official staff learning meeting. April will be sending out an email about the February staff learning meeting that explains how you can help make the presentation fabulous. I'm sure you are sick of hearing me present!
Personalized learning tied to a bigger purpose.
I went to the specials team meeting and they were having their weekly "thankful Thursday" meeting in which everyone tells a positive story about something that went really well this week, it could be about a lesson, a student, a fellow staff member or an experience with their family. What an awesome idea and a great way to spend a team meeting each week.
Melissa and Matthew will be taking the 8th grade choir and band students to WCCHS on Monday. This is by invitation and takes the place of the music festival that the high school won't be having this year due to renovations.
A google doc that helps students analyze their growth over time. Check this out.
You will be the same person in five years as you are today, except for the people you meet and the books you read. —John Wooden
Three Benjamin students took up the NPR Student Podcast Challenge last year and received an honorable mention for their efforts! Recording was an eye-opening experience for the students and for me. I'd highly recommend trying it out again. I can provide support for those interested!