Thursday, January 16, 2020


How's that gratitude list going? Yesterday I was grateful for our awesome teaching assistants, my paper planner (it got a workout!) and my opportunity to get in some classrooms.


Congratulations to Coach Baker and Tylk as the Varsity BB team captured second place in SWAC basketball tournament this past weekend and JV earned 4th place.

Thanks to Jessica, Jen H and Kerry for coming in on Saturday to proctor the PSAT to some of our younger students.  Thanks to Tim and Greg who are also on standby to help in case of bad weather!

Excellent article on ways kids can show kindness without sacrificing themselves.
 (Zutto/For The Washington Post)

I am very thankful to all of our substitutes who have been doing a tremendous job this year and thanks to Kim G for coordinating all of them for us at BMS.

Thanks to Angela who set up a google doc so that Kim G and Kim C can fill sub positions with more communication and effectiveness!  We appreciate it.

17 strategies for engaging resistant classes

Big thanks again for Michelle F for taking the time to fill out the request form that ended up winning us the 3D printer for our school.  It was nice for Ackerman/Meemic to come to our meeting yesterday and was super special that a former student was there to help present the recognition!


Thanks to Megan D for attending last night's PTA meeting.  There are still spots open for the next meeting.  It is great to have representation for everything that they have done for us.

The Power of Wait Time

Shout out to our 5th grade team for their persistence and flexibility when working with some difficult students.  Also thanks to our PST team as we have spent a lot of time problem solving, earning the name that we hold!

A rough guide to spotting bad science.

Thanks to Nicole who was working closely with two separate  students to get them the supports that they need  this week.

Please make sure you take time to respond to Dr. Woell's meeting invitation.

Take a couple minutes to watch this

Thanks to everyone for filling out the 5Essentials survey.  If you have not had time to do so yet, please try to fill it out by next week.  Thanks!

50 self-esteem boosting affirmations for teens.
Teen Self Love

I had a great time presenting at Wednesday's learning meeting on being more effective with the use of a planner.  I love it when staff members  share with me how the meeting helped them to make a change, which someone shared with me yesterday about their plan to tackle a Vital task long term.
Here are the list of questions to help you prioritize tasks and I will share the presentation with my district gmail account.
1. Vital goals you should be working on today   (chipping away)
2.  What is urgent that I must get done first thing?
3.  If I could only get a few things done what would they be?
4.  Which things does your boss think you should get done? (my favorite priority question)
5.  Which items would I like to get off my list to make me feel better?
6.  What will happen to me or others if I don't get something done today ?


“The wisest are the most annoyed at the loss of time.” -- Dante Alighieri

“Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it’s worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains.” -- Steve Jobs

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