From Megan P's class.
Melissa Falkos needs clear two liter bottles people, 90 of them! If you have any over the weekend, please bring them in for her for her science lab. Thanks.
Go beyond trauma and struggle to examine the liberation, civic engagement, creativity and intersecting identities of Black people during Black History Month.

April, Melissa and Danielle will be working hard on Saturday as they collaborate with parents to help build some of the set pieces. I appreciate them illustrating the point that the time and effort put into a project directly relates to end result.
Tips for building metacognition in your students.
Thanks to Jen Harvel who has agreed to start being our success track supervisor starting on Monday. She will be helping some of our 8th grade students get back on track with their academics in the afternoon.
Thanks to the 6th grade teams continued support of our ROAR program and for positively reinforcing good behavior and choices their students make.
The physics of Jazz.
Thanks to Chris and Jessica for going to the Teach to Lead conference in March and working with Evergreen teachers. I look forward to them sharing what they learn with all of us. Thanks to Debbie for organizing the event.
One of the best parts of our data meetings are the discussions that take place as we try to figure out how to help students. We don't always agree, but everyone is always willing to do their part to help. Parental communication is a huge component of helping students in every grade level. Working together.
9 NEW ways to use FlipGrid in the classroom.

Here is a cool resource Betty found.
The Learner Variability Navigator tool synthesizes research on a variety of factors that impact learning, and suggests research based ideas for helping students from different backgrounds.
Link to actual Tool
Video Summary of Tool
Thanks to all of our TA's who continue to do a wonderful job everyday in the classrooms. I got to work with Debbie yesterday and assist some students in 5th grade. She was amazing and I was exhausted after one period. Our TA's are the best!
22 Diverse Book Choices for all grade levels.
Please check out Megan's World Read Outloud Day invitation email and consider stopping by to read or creating a flipgrid video for Feb 5.
Thanks to everyone who is on cycle and are finishing up scheduling your formal observations or continuing to work on your alternative evaluation, as well as finishing up your Student Growth Goals, Please let me know if you need any help.
Personalized Learning: The Why, How, and What Read the article, look at the graphic.
Thanks to Jessica, Lauren D, Colleen, and Alex for helping our students become leaders by sponsoring NJHS and Student Council. These groups give students great experiences to help them become better citizens and serve our school and wider community.