Thursday, February 7, 2019


Melissa L had some 5th grade students showcasing their talent.  Make sure you watch both videos.  Something special.

I hope to see staff at the Foundation Trivia Night on February 23.  Registration is open for tables until February 15th.  Please consider a donation of time or talent if you have a conflict with the event.  I am trying to think of how I can top the Principal on the Roof  experience from last year!

Teaching is just like performing magic.  Please read.

Michelle F found this great flyer about the importance of reading. 
Image result for why read 20 minutes at home

I am working on evaluations please make sure your student growth data is in. 

3rd time is a charm with the Benjamin NJHS induction ceremony.  Jessica and Lauren did a wonderful job putting on a beautiful ceremony.

I don't post political things in the blog but this 5 minute clip isn't pro democrat or republican it is just pro make sense about fixing the campaign process.

As I mentioned in the learning meeting all purchases using this years funds will be cut-off on March 21st.  This is a hard deadline and includes all purchases made through PO's and P'cards.  Please plan accordingly.

In jazz, there’s no script: You have to figure things out as you go along. Sometimes you need to sit back and let others drive things; other times, you blare it out yourself.

Thanks to all of the staff for the great input at Wednesday's learning meeting.  We will use this to make our E-learning days a valuable experience.  Ellen has the eblast announcement reminding Parents about the HW deadline that will go out Friday morning.  Thanks for giving extra effort to make sure as many students as possible complete these assignments.

Using Playlists as a blended learning strategy.

Please make sure that you have let Kim  know where you will be for the March 1st County Wide Institute. If you are at a conference that will cost $ you also need to fill out the proper paperwork.
If you are staying here you need to have an agenda that you plan on working on related to curriculum and instruction.  I am going to contact Laura P so that we have CPDU's available towards that topic.

Thanks to Angela who did a great job presenting to the ad council and new superintendent, Dr. Wools about the great things our students are doing with technology.  He was definitely impressed.

If you have ever been to a committee meeting this video might make sense.

The 6th grade will be heading to the Museum of Science and Industry today to explore STEM topics.  A big shout out to Lauren and Sherry for organizing this learning experience for our students.

Bill Wadman is putting the Blast in Winter Blast as he runs the halls supervising his energetic group. These students are happy and active!

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