22 diverse book choices.
Thanks to Jen H, Heather F, Jen P, Melissa R, Bill, Lynette, Courtney, Jen V, Jim, and Lori P for the job that they are doing with lunchroom supervision. You guys are the best!
Understanding a teachers Long term Impact
Tim gave me the following link to send to staff. It is for nominating a custodian for Custodian of the Year which could give one of our guys/ladies a chance to get recognized and earn some prize money. Please consider submitting a nomination. https://www.cintas.com/customer_applications/custodianoftheyear/
What Teachers and Coaches Can learn from Each Other. (Great Article)

Team leaders were able to get your input and along with your feedback from the last learning meeting, we were able to set the new guidelines for E-Learning with Dr. Ehrhardt. He will share these guidelines with you today.
Huge study shows professors attitudes affect student grades.
In case you didn't hear from your team, we have some special education teachers that will be changing roles next year. Alex will be teaching the 5th/6th grade resource class, MJ will be teaching the Core class currently taught by Kerry and Kerry will be teaching the Core class currently taught by Alex. Since they are all in the building together they will be able to learn from each other as this year winds down and bring their own new ideas to the programs next year!
Fake math vs Real math
As I am finishing up the non-tenure summative evaluations, just a reminder to tenure staff on observation cycle to please be completing your alternative evaluation or scheduling any final observations with me.

I am looking forward to Trivia Night on Saturday Night. Thanks to Megan D for helping to organize Foundation/School related donations.
Work before passion
“Offer me something I’m passionate about and I’ll show up with all of my energy, effort and care.”
That’s a great way to hide.
Because nothing is good enough to earn your passion before you do it. Perhaps, in concept, it’s worthy, but as soon as you closely examine the details and the pitfalls, it’s easy to decide it’s better to wait for a better offer.
What about considering the opposite?
“Offer me a chance to contribute, and I’ll work hard on it, with focus, and once I begin to make progress, I’ll become passionate about it.”
Work before passion measures our craft in terms of contribution, not in an idealized model of perfection.
Passion comes from feeling needed, from approaching mastery, from doing work that matters.
The Varsity Basketball team played great last night cheered on by the outstanding Pep Band! Special thanks to Lauren Dunne for supervising NJHS Concessions, Kerry and Megan for doing the scoreboard, Michelle for supervising and to Andrew for making his coaching debut with our Bengal 5th/6th grade team!

Thanks to all staff for the work you are doing to make sure your curriculum maps are updated and accurate for our website. Having everything accurate and up to date by the end of this year would be great. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thanks to Jen and Lynette for all of the work they are doing to prepare and execute their Healthy Cooking Units. I'm exhausted just watching them prep.
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