Betty always does a wonderful job teaching in our learning meetings. Always informative and always engaging. Thank you.
Is social media hurting you?
Thanks to Colleen and Alex who with the help of student council kids brightened everyone's day yesterday with the Valentines Cart!
When dealing with difficult situations and stressful situations, the adult in the room needs to model appropriate reactions.

Jessica, Lauren Cathy, MJ, Megan P., and Melissa F were busy after school on Wednesday watching presentations from STAR and IReady testing companies. Gathering information to make their recommendation on our future assessments.
Decoding the Teenage Brain in three Charts.
Ellen and Kim did a great job with "Everyday's a Party" pasta celebration. The staff enjoyed carb-loading to get through the rest of the day.
Using psychological science to help children thrive. Journal article by Angela Duckworth (Grit)
Thanks to Lauren and Melissa L for coming up with great ideas for Benjamin's 175th anniversary at the planning meeting on Tuesday night. It will be a big celebration of our outstanding history!
Smithsonian Scholars pick their favorite 11 books of 2018.
Good luck to Matthew and our band students that are competing at the IGSMA solo and ensemble contest this weekend.
The man at the top of the mountain didn’t fall there. – Vince Lombardi
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