5 digital tools to save time in the classroom. (couple pretty cool ideas)

The intruder and fire drill were well executed. Thanks for your preparation and attention to these drills. Also, thanks to Melissa L for organizing and scheduling all of the drills.
I made a short video yesterday after school of all the positive messages and student work that students get to see in the halls.
Thanks to Michelle and Kathy for all of the work they did to help with the book-fair. Because we passed the goal of $2500. I will be dressing up like a character from a novel on Wednesday September 12th. I don't want to have all of the fun so Wednesday will be "dress up like your favorite character from a novel day" for all students and staff that wish to participate.
Stress and the Growth Mindset

Don't forget to turn your cash into Lauren to contribute to the Social Fund. Also, please purchase your 2018-2019 PTA membership.
Congrats to Bill and Keriann for the wonderful job they did in hosting our first home cross country meet in the hot temperatures Tuesday afternoon. Also thanks to all of the staff that signed up to work!
Lady Reacting to a skateboarding trick. Pure enthusiasm and joy.
Thanks to Lynette, Corey and Jen for being flexible and allowing pictures and magazine presentations take place during PE. Making the schedule work helps everyone and we appreciate it.
Good article on the art of thoughtful disagreement.
If you are on cycle this year, please start thinking about your student growth goals and setting up your first observation with me or turning in your first two documents for your alternative evaluation if you choose to go that route. I am also available to have a planning meeting to brainstorm ideas.
Matthew did a great job at beginning band night last night, the word is out, as it was packed with 5th grade families and West Chicago High School student volunteers.

“Today is only one day in all the days that will ever be. But what will happen in all the other days that ever come can depend on what you do today.”
-- Ernest Hemingway
"I've got pretty big dreams for your kids this year"
Anonymous Benjamin Teacher
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