Lauren's daughter explaining the growth mindset! (taught by her second grade teacher)
Please, please please join the PTA. It is a wise investment, as they really work hard for our school! I'll have forms put in your mailboxes. Oh, and did I mention for your $5 investment they reimburse you for $50-100 of school purchases for your classroom.

Thanks to all of the coaches for working hard and putting in the extra time with the kids. Kerry K even had to ref the Varsity volleyball game when the real ref went home with back issues. Go Bengals!
Because of the different ways our brains are wired, we all experience reality in different ways & any single way is essentially distorted. This is something that we need to acknowledge. So if you want to know what is true & what to do about it, you must understand your own brain.

We have a new state testing company! And the winner is............... Data Recognition Corporation (DRC)! I know you are all relieved. Just Kidding, if you never heard of them, they are the company that runs the ACCESS testing for our EL students. More information will be upcoming as a we receive it.
5 Minutes that will make you love classical music.
I appreciate the science teachers attention to detail as they keep us updated on the fine tuning that still needs to take place in our new labs. Your efforts are making my job easier with the architects and the construction companies.
How students can find reliable sources for reports.
Let's hear it for our lunch supervisors. Yesterday, we had the popular walking tacos, a la carte and PTA ice cream. Next week to make your job more challenging we are going to add jugglers and carnival games! We appreciate you getting the job done.
Growth Mindset Life = Risk 1 minute video for a student reminder.
Thanks to Lauren and Jessica who agreed to get student ambassadors for our community open house on the 27th. Also thanks to the science teachers who are able to stay to show off your rooms.
Great Summary Article/Chart/Video from the lady herself, Carol Dweck. Bookmark this link.

Thanks to Marcia for relaying a lot of student medical information to us lately. You are the information/communication conduit between the parents/students/teachers.

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