Congratulations to Melissa R and Todd who were recognized at the school board meeting on Monday.
How teachers use The Simpsons to teach Edgar Allen Poe's The Raven

Thanks to Ellen T for putting together the unique Pizza Lunch for staff yesterday. Everything looked great.
More from Ray Dalio on Radical Open-Mindedness
Regarding radical open-mindedness, it’s what you would do if you weren’t biased to think that your opinions are best and instead wanted to objectively weigh what you’re thinking in relation to what other smart people are thinking to raise your chances of being right.
Growth Mindset for Math Teachers (and students)!

Thanks to Melissa L for organizing and supervising the bus evacuation and thanks to all staff for being flexible with the schedule when one of the busses came late.
Just a reminder now that clubs are starting to please make sure you wait with the students until the last student is picked up. The office will be left open in case a phone call needs to be made.
Excellent Article given to me by Megan P on the importance of libraries. to MJ who will be starting homebound tutoring next week for a 7th grade student. Thanks to the 7th grade team for communicating with MJ to ensure the student doesn't fall too far behind.
A new study finds that greeting students at the door increases engagement by 20%, reduces disruptions by 9% -- effectively adding 1 hour of learning per day.
Colleen Morgan's students take science out of doors as they study population sampling

I was in Lauren Dunne's class and I was able to watch students give their "bag" presentations. I love this lesson. Students bring in a bag with three items that represent them or have meaning in their life. What a great way to work on public speaking and presentation skills but even more it provides a safe place for students to present their true self and build classroom community.

Thanks to all of the math and ILAR teachers who learned how to group students based on different criteria and how to pull lessons up tied to student weaknesses. It was an hour well spent. Special thanks to Angela for organizing it and to Megan P for using her class for the demo.

Thanks to Bill and Keriann for throwing the cross-country movie night tonight. What a fun team bonding activity!
Podcast on a man's surviving 911 after being on the 81st floor when the plane hit the building. Powerful 45 minutes. (adult language) Has other good podcasts as well.

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