Thursday, September 27, 2018


Sherry's class put on some pretty complicated Rube Goldberg machine demonstrations on Wednesday  This lesson is a great example of student engagement, problem solving, group cooperation and creativity. 

How to teach self-regulation (an important skill).

We had a good showing of current and former parents, students and board members show up for our Community Open House last night.  Special thanks to Mark and Jim for staying to show off the science labs and to Lauren and Jessica for setting up the 12 NJHS student tour guides.  Many complements were given about the facilities and the student guides. 

We are having a good amount of students show up at the doors before the ending bell each day.  A good amount of them I have traced to leaving the maker space early from study skills classes.  Please have students report back to your study skills class before the last bell after using the maker space.
Make learning part of your job.

There has been a lot of student problem solving done by all stakeholders lately.  Yesterday was a perfect example of PST team, admin, classroom teachers, and parents working together to create plans to help students succeed. 

A big shout-out to Mark, Jim, Lauren, Chris, Nicole and Melissa for their guidance, support and feedback at our Team Leader meetings that carries over to your grade level teams. 

"At 211 degrees, water is hot. At 212 degrees, it boils. And with boiling water, comes steam. And with steam, you can power a train." -- S.L. Parker Find that extra degree.

Please make sure your newsletter is turned in to Ellen, today is the due-date.

The impact of 30 seconds!

Have you joined the PTA yet?  What are you waiting for?

Please make sure you get your growth goals in by Monday.(If you are on evaluation cycle)  If you are doing alternative evaluation I need forms 1 & 2 and if you are doing a regular evaluation please set up your first formal observation with me.  Let me know if you have any questions. 

I was able to speak at the Student Council Meeting on Wednesday morning.  Their theme is "Following the Clues to the Leader in You"  They had a great turnout.  Thanks to Colleen and Alex for leading this group. 

I had a chance to get in a lot of classrooms this week.  I'm always amazed at the many different ways there are to engage students in learning.Thanks for leading the way!

Thursday, September 20, 2018


The ridiculously easy and scientific way to remember things.

Thanks to everyone who stayed and worked on subject area meeting agenda items Wednesday after school. Also thanks to the math team that allowed me to steal valuable time to give the safety meeting presentation.  Please make sure you put the phone intercom number to memory or permanently by the phone.

Lauren's daughter explaining the growth mindset! (taught by her second grade teacher)

Please, please please join the PTA.  It is a wise investment, as they really work hard for our school!  I'll have forms put in your mailboxes.  Oh, and did I mention for your $5 investment they reimburse you for $50-100 of school purchases for your classroom.

Thanks to all of the coaches for working hard and putting in the extra time with the kids.  Kerry K even had to ref the Varsity volleyball game when the real ref went home with back issues. Go Bengals!

Because of the different ways our brains are wired, we all experience reality in different ways & any single way is essentially distorted. This is something that we need to acknowledge. So if you want to know what is true & what to do about it, you must understand your own brain.

We have a new state testing company!   And the winner is............... Data Recognition Corporation (DRC)!  I know you are all relieved.  Just Kidding, if you never heard of them, they are the company that runs the ACCESS testing for our EL students. More information will be upcoming as a we receive it.

5 Minutes that will make you love classical music.

I appreciate the science teachers attention to detail as they keep us updated on the fine tuning that still needs to take place in our new labs. Your efforts are making my job easier with the architects and the construction companies.

How students can find reliable sources for reports.

Let's hear it for our lunch supervisors. Yesterday, we had the popular walking tacos, a la carte and PTA ice cream. Next week to make your job more challenging we are going to add jugglers and carnival games!  We appreciate you getting the job done.

Growth Mindset  Life = Risk 1 minute video for a student reminder.

Thanks to Lauren and Jessica who agreed to get student ambassadors for our community open house on the 27th.  Also thanks to the science teachers who are able to stay to show off your rooms.  

Great Summary Article/Chart/Video from the lady herself, Carol Dweck.  Bookmark this link.
Carol Dweck Two Mindsets

Thanks to Marcia for relaying a lot of  student medical information to us lately. You are the information/communication conduit between the parents/students/teachers.

Thursday, September 13, 2018


How to Conference on 30 student essays.

Teacher workshopping an essay with a student

Congratulations to Melissa R and Todd who were recognized at the school board meeting on Monday.

How teachers use The Simpsons to teach Edgar Allen Poe's The Raven

Thanks to Ellen T for putting together the unique Pizza Lunch for staff yesterday.  Everything looked great.

More from Ray Dalio on Radical Open-Mindedness
Regarding radical open-mindedness, it’s what you would do if you weren’t biased to think that your opinions are best and instead wanted to objectively weigh what you’re thinking in relation to what other smart people are thinking to raise your chances of being right.

Growth Mindset for Math Teachers (and students)!

Thanks to Melissa L for organizing and supervising the bus evacuation and thanks to all staff for being flexible with the schedule when one of the busses came late.

Just a reminder now that clubs are starting to please make sure you wait with the students until the last student is picked up.  The office will be left open in case a phone call needs to be made. 

Excellent Article given to me by Megan P on the importance of libraries.

Thanks to MJ who will be starting homebound tutoring next week for a 7th grade student.  Thanks to the 7th grade team for communicating with MJ to ensure the student doesn't fall too far behind. 

A new study finds that greeting students at the door increases engagement by 20%, reduces disruptions by 9% -- effectively adding 1 hour of learning per day.

Colleen Morgan's students take science out of doors as they study population sampling

I was in Lauren Dunne's class and I was able to watch students give their "bag" presentations.  I love this lesson.  Students bring in a bag with three items that represent them or have meaning in their life.  What a great way to work on public speaking and presentation skills but even more it provides a safe place for students to present their true self and build classroom community. 

Thanks to all of the math and ILAR teachers who learned how to group students based on different criteria and how to pull lessons up tied to student weaknesses. It was an hour well spent.  Special thanks to Angela for organizing it and to Megan P for using her class for the demo. 

Thanks to Bill and Keriann for throwing the cross-country movie night tonight.  What a fun team bonding activity!

Podcast on a man's surviving 911 after being on the 81st floor when the plane hit the building.  Powerful 45 minutes.  (adult language)  Has other good podcasts as well.

Thursday, September 6, 2018


Thanks again to everyone for the super job you did at Curriculum Night.  I've heard nothing but positive comments from parents and teachers.

5 digital tools to save time in the classroom.  (couple pretty cool ideas)

The intruder and fire drill were well executed.  Thanks for your preparation and attention to these drills.  Also, thanks to Melissa L for organizing and scheduling all of the drills.

I made a short video yesterday after school of all the positive messages and student work that students get to see in the halls.

Thanks to Michelle and Kathy for all of the work they did to help with the book-fair.  Because we passed the goal of $2500. I will be dressing up like a character from a novel on Wednesday September 12th.  I don't want to have all of the fun so Wednesday will be "dress up like your favorite character from a novel day" for all students and staff that wish to participate.  

Stress and the Growth Mindset

Don't forget to turn your cash into Lauren to contribute to the Social Fund.  Also, please purchase your 2018-2019 PTA membership.  

Congrats to Bill and Keriann for the wonderful job they did in hosting our first home cross country meet in the hot temperatures Tuesday afternoon.  Also thanks to all of the staff that signed up to work!

Lady Reacting to a skateboarding trick.  Pure enthusiasm and joy.

Thanks to Lynette, Corey and Jen for being flexible and allowing pictures and magazine presentations take place during PE.  Making the schedule work helps everyone and we appreciate it.  

Good article on the art of thoughtful disagreement.  

If you are on cycle this year, please start thinking about your student growth goals and setting up your first observation with me or turning in your first two documents for your alternative evaluation if you choose to go that route.  I am also available to have a planning meeting to brainstorm ideas.  

Matthew did a great job at beginning band night last night, the word is out, as it was packed with 5th grade families and West Chicago High School student volunteers.  

“Today is only one day in all the days that will ever be. But what will happen in all the other days that ever come can depend on what you do today.” -- Ernest Hemingway

"I've got pretty big dreams for your kids this year"
Anonymous Benjamin Teacher