Thursday, September 10, 2015


The eighth grade team is operating on a special schedule due to the showing of the September 11th film.  I know that social studies classes will spend a moment about this important day in our nations history.

Come see what a reverse dunk tank is during recesses today.  Kids will have a good time while making money for student council.  Thanks to Alex for organizing this event.

Interesting article on if a "Growth Mindset" can work in schools.

Michelle and Marcia had a vision and heard the truth or they spent a day testing vision and hearing for our youth, either way it was impressive and appreciated.

Barb Ogorek is asking that we start calling her by her new nickname "Major Maker" as she has been very helpful in her duties and responsibilities with the Maker Space.  We appreciate the extra effort.

5 tips for teaching and reaching the tough kids.

Mark Caliendo has alerted me that we have 30 out of the 60 5th graders that have signed up as interested in Band this year.  Please help to encourage these students and others as Mark continues to grow our band in numbers and talent.

Thanks to Chris, Lauren and Ellen for the surprise cookie treat on Wednesday after school.  That really made a lot of peoples day.  Speaking of Wednesday, I was very impressed with the ideas and work that was put into peoples growth goals.  Please schedule a time with me to sit down with me to discuss your growth goals if you are on cycle.

Ali Partovi 3 minutes on why teaching coding to students is imperative.

As I visit classroom I continue to be amazed by the awesomeness of our teaching assistants.  You guys are rock stars!  Thank you.

Thanks to Todd and Nicole for working with the grade level teams to set up the schedule for Second Step, which is an important part of our students social emotional learning.

Thanks to Jessica and Todd for going to Evergreen to help get aimsweb testing completed.  Your willingness to Be There to get the job done is appreciated.

Ellen did a great job of putting the newsletter together.  Thanks to everyone for their efforts on this very important communication tool with parents.

Pictures honoring the 14th anniversary of the September 11th attacks.

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