Thursday, February 26, 2015


Jessica Adams brought her Spanish teaching alive by having a fiesta where each student brought in a dish and ate together over videos that celebrated the Spanish Culture.

Ten Random Acts of Gratitude:

Thanks to Michelle Fiorini for setting up the Skype with Author Tommy Greenwold of the Charlie Joe Jackson book series.  It is always great for the kids to be able to talk to an author of the books that they have read.

5 reasons educators need to be using social media:

Thanks to John, Jen and Lynette who had the gym set-up in fitness stations.  With the tires, nets and other fun items the gym looked like the set of Battle of The Network Stars... all teachers under the age of 35 should google that last reference.

What do you want to create today?

Thanks to Todd, Betty and Jessica A for giving up their time to give presentations today to our staff.

 Good luck to our JV and Varsity girls basketball teams as they travel this weekend o play in the Jay Stream Tournament.

Pretty Awesome!

Thanks to Greg and Ellen B for setting up today's training and working next week to touch every device to get us ready for PARCC.

Also, a big thanks to Pat for running around yesterday and this morning so everything would be set for snacks for this morning and the afternoon.

Creative use of action verbs...or not

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