Friday, February 20, 2015


I want to thank Michelle F for throwing the Rebecca Caudill Celebration this Thursday in the LMC.  Celebrating our students who read and read and read...

Here is a great story on good sportsmanship between two high schools in Wisconsin.

Thanks to Lauren G for starting an impromptu lunch book club at student request.  What a great way to spend lunch, talking about shared stories.

We are at 75% for teacher participation in the 5 essentials survey.

5 questions every educator must ask themselves daily.
this is not one of them

The 5th grade is finishing up their Mrs. Frisby units and will have projects on display soon.  This was something students and teachers worked hard on and should be very proud of themselves.

50 questions to help students think about the way they think:

Thanks to Gail for working relentlessly to "check in" students in the morning and at lunch.  Our whole school benefits from your hard work.  Thank you.

106 thousand free digital textbooks hit the web.  here is an article about the site
but here is the site itself...have only spent about an hour exploring but I think this could be a real valuable resource for all teachers/grade levels/ subject areas
Please watch this video:

If anyone is making it, I will see you at trivia night this Saturday at Benjamin.  I am looking forward to working with the foundation who works hard to help us.  

Thanks to Dr. Ehrhardt for writing a great letter to Benjamin 25 parents about our experiences and concerns in getting ready for the PARCC assessment.  Once again, thank you for everything you are doing to get ready for PARCC and more importantly to help them learn and grow.  

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