Friday, March 6, 2015


Jessica E had her newspaper club Skype with a newspaper club from England earlier this week.  It was neat getting to see the students interact with each other.  In the next Issue of the Tiger Times there will be an article on School Uniforms that both staff collaborated on(they wear uniforms at their school).

In the time of PARCC, 10 small things that can make you happier, like listening to sad songs, really.

Thanks to Melissa, Michelle, and Nicole for taking on extra parcc tech training with Greg to so that they can support our school.  Also thanks to the special teachers for turning in their devices so they can be used as spares for testing.

If teachers were treated like star football players.  read the article watch the video.

Thanks to the Special Team for participating in the SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) process on Wednesday.  Getting your thoughts and input is extremely valuable in making improvements moving forward.

What really gets kids reading!

Thanks to Dan, Rich and Matt for a great Basketball season.  Also thanks to Bill(on the scoreboard without exception!) and Keriann for making it all happen.

For Jessica A or anyone else that wants to teach a foreign language:

The PTA will be meeting on Tuesday night at 7:30pm if anyone is interested in attending a meeting

The school board will be honoring of staff and students in conjunction with the Musical and Art Program.  Thanks to Lynn, Lynette, Melissa and Danielle for all of the work you did to make these programs successful.

50 books all kids should read before they are 12.

Thanks to Michelle F for running the March Madness book tournament for our students.  Mr. Wadman thinks he has a perfect bracket, but I am ready to pull the 1 vs. 16 upset!

..from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved. Field Museum, Chicago IL

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