Thursday, October 30, 2014


Thanks to Keriann, Bill, Rich, Abby Adams, Matt Tylk and Mrs Thill for doing a great job at the Fall Sports Awards on Wednesday Night. Their speeches showed their care and concern for the student athletes as well as highlighting the accomplishments for the season.  I came away impressed with the fine example they set for our students.
30 techniques to Quiet a Noisy Class:

Thanks to Ellen and Pat for organizing our Oktoberfest yesterday and to everyone who brought in food to share.  With the decorations and German music I felt like I was in Munich!

How do schools get tech R.I.G.H.T.  Inside the article is a slideshow when you have time:

How about the Tiger Times?  It is hard to believe this is a junior high newspaper.  From their qr code surveys, informative articles on asthma, book, movie and music reviews to their investigative piece on Benjamin's water fountains, it looks more like it was done by high school aged kids. A big thank you to Jessica Erickson for pulling all of this together.

100 year old teacher teaches passion:

Mark and Lynette are putting in overtime at the Student Growth Committee meetings as they are helping to formulate how we can use authentic, reliable assessments to help measure student growth.  In many cases, we are hoping to use measures that you already are using and find valuable in your daily assessment of students.  We will have more information and resources coming to you soon.

How museums are embracing technology:  The Known Universe:

Who knew that putting on a Talent show required so much work?  Today we get to enjoy the results of Jill and Lynette's Herculean efforts as the 5th and 6th grade battle for Benjamin's Got Talent.  Don't forget we are on a double assembly schedule.

Please don't forget that we are hosting the Wellness Screening starting early Monday morning in the small gym.  Thanks to Shelley for organizing this event.

6 Principles to the Genius Hour:

Thanks to Angela for putting together an evaluation rubric for our science team as we look at new resources. It will definitely come in handy.

I was able to see some 6th grade presentations in Lauren G's room.  The students used great critical thinking and evidence to hypothesize answers to a death mystery.  Future CSI's in the making!

Innovation in Education Today:

Thanks to Alex and Colleen as they organize the student council dance for next Friday.  Please let them know if you can chaperon, costumes optional!:)

Star Wars Pumpkin:

The moms prayer group will be bringing in dinner on Tuesday November 4th.  The menue will consist of: chili, 2 soups, veggie and fruit trays, rolls, dessert and drinks. The dinner will be ready by 3:00pm so you will not be rushed.  

Scariest Pumpkin Greg Martin Ever Saw:

As you prepare for parent teacher conferences, please let me know if there are any conferences that you want me to sit in on or if I can help out in any way.  Thanks to the special teachers who will be making calls to our unscheduled parents that evening.

Pretty Neat Video even if it is Cleveland:

Friday, October 24, 2014


Thanks to Nicole and Melissa L for all the hard work they put into Red Ribbon Week, between the Banner, the Hearts, Mix it up Lunch, and Tunes Tuesday, it was a huge success.

16 Conversation starters for struggling students:

Today we will finish off Red Ribbon Week with a 3 Screen Assembly.  5th and 6th will watch Be More Awesome at 1:00pm, and 7th and 8th will watch Piercing the Darkness at 1:45pm.  Because of the tight time frame I may call the 5th and 6th grade a few minutes early.

Thanks to Adrienne who served as a Mixologist at Menchies last night for PTA's Chef's Night Out, its great to have our teachers working with the PTA in such a way when the profits raised goes back to our school.

Flashcard tool for learning:

I'm looking forward to my first fall sports award night this coming Wednesday, what a great way to honor all of our Fall Athletes.

I was able to see Shakespeare come alive in Mr. Wadman's class as the students really got into their introduction of Macbeth, also students started discovering simple machines in Mrs. Adam's very hands on lesson in Stem.  I am also looking forward to watching some of the Outsider's movies that Danielle's students have made.  Thanks to all of the teachers for bringing the content to life and having students meaningfully engaged.

6 google scholar tips that every teacher should be aware of:

Thanks to Mark, Colleen, Jim, and Melissa F for staying after hours for a science presentation from Discovery Education.  In addition to the science materials we learned all about some great tools that everyone can use already with the subscription service we already pay for.  More information to follow.

Parent Teacher Conference resource Page including Student Led:

Friday, October 17, 2014


I want to thank everyone for the Boss's Day gift.  It has been amazing this year to work with such a dedicated staff.  I look forward to serving your needs by getting you the resources you need and strengthening our relationship as the years go on.

Thanks to Mark, Colleen, Jim, Jill, Alex, M.J.,Rich, Linda, and Lauren for giving up some of their personal time to supervise the outdoor ed trip.  In the few hours I was there, I was able to hear about the Black-hawk Wars, see the eternal statue, participate in weapon throwing and fire building along with having a great lunch.  It is easy to see why this ends up being one of the great memories of our students when they are looking back in 8th grade.

Check out this 4minute video on working together to stop bullying.  It also emphasizes students working together on complicated concepts and learning.

Good luck to our Cross Country, Volleyball and soccer teams as they compete in their championship tournaments tonight and Saturday.

Anybody running in the Monster Dash on Sunday?  I will be starting off the runners and then heading to the Fall Fest Parade.  Thanks to everyone who brought in baked goods for the PTA to sell at the Fair.

Think you are not creative...think again, how daily life brings out your creativity:

Keriann and Mike are the proud parents of  Mariella Elise Moore, 8lbs, 2oz.  Everyone is doing well, and are resting.  We are so happy for you Keriann!

Calling all science teachers  Discovery education will be presenting on their Tech-book and other online resources on Tuesday, October 21st after school.   If you can make it we will be meeting in Melissa Falkos's room.

Here is a discovery education activity about sustainability and farming.  Give it a try.

Thanks to Nicole and Melissa for organizing Red Ribbon week.  We have great activities capped off with a Three Screens Production Assembly on Friday.  We will be on the Double Assembly Schedule with 5th/6th grade watching at 1:00pm and 7th and 8th watching  at 1:45pm.  In addition while the one group is watching the movie, the other group will be reading in honor of  Read Across America.  Yes we are 5 months early, but that's how we roll.  Grade level teams are working out the reading schedules.

Congratulations to Jessica Adams for securing a Lego Grant that she will be using towards solar powered cars in her Stem Class.

Thanks to Mike Droste for his wonderful tech tips that he sends throughout the week.  I have found more than a few to be helpful and informative.

Don't forget we have a fire drill at 10:30am on Wednesday.

Thanks to Jen for coming up with a new activity for PE classes, after talking with one of her 8th grade students, they are enjoying Rugby this week and will even have a professionally trained Rugby player coming in to work with the students for a day.  We will be taking a vote on if you want to play Rugby for the staff /student game instead of softball at the end of the year.  :

I always find it more difficult to say the things I mean than the things I don't.
W. Somerset Maugham (1874 - 1965)The Painted Veil, 1925 

Committee--a group of men who individually can do nothing but as a group decide that nothing can be done.
Fred Allen (1894 - 1956)

Friday, October 10, 2014


Thanks for everyone's participation in the interactive learning meeting on Wednesday.  Hopefully you were able to have some fun with your peers while still learning some communication tips.  You do get a cpdu for that activity.  I will be sending Mr. Winter a list of attendees, which he will keep on file.  On your end, just make a written record of the activity.  If you have any questions let me know.

A big thank you to Angela Anthony for organizing our start to the day today with the sharing of "Tech Success" stories.  What a great way to start your morning and many of those successes would not have been possible without her help.  Thanks!

Mrs. Burkholder and Mrs. Wright have art up in every corner of this building.  Thanks for making our school a better place to walk around in!  Here are some examples and an article on art and tech integration.

Thanks to Melissa for covering for me yesterday as I attended a conference on PERA and student growth.  I brought back some good documents to show the planning committee that will help our transition to this model of evaluation.

Strategies for building a positive learning environment:

A big shout out to Bill Wadman and the Varsity Vball team as they took home first place last weekend in a tournament against 3 schools that are more than twice our population!  Nicely Done Bill.

Musical auditions and talent show tryouts continue to happen thanks to the hard work of Jill, Lynette, Danielle and Melissa.  Thanks for all of your efforts to help students have these extra opportunities that make our school so much stronger.

Leading and learning in a digital transition:

Please read the email from Dr. Clark on the wellness screening we will be having in our building on November 3rd.

Student's attitudes towards assessments:

We all wish Lauren Sarno the best in her new married life as she takes her vows this weekend with her husband.  
I hope everyone has a great extended weekend, you deserve it!  I will be walking around today if you need me to come to your meetings let me know.  
You can observe a lot just by watching.
Yogi Berra (1925 - )

Friday, October 3, 2014


This Wednesday after school we will have our Learning Meeting.  The topic is  Communication Skills that Work. There will be an outside speaker and I invite all teaching assistants to stay for the presentation if you wish.  CPDU's will also be offered.  The presentation will last 45minutes.

Here is an article I found on teacher reflection as a tool for growth.

Next week we have Sports Jersey Spirit Week, Check the announcements for details.  Jeans may be worn if participating.  

On Friday October 10th we will have our Full Day Teacher Institute from 8:00AM-1:30PM
The feedback that I received stated that everyone wanted to work on technology and common assessments.  Here is the Breakdown.  
8:00-11:00  We will work in Departments
11:00-1:30 We will work in teams or as individuals.  I will be available to come around and answer questions or help resolve problems.  There will be a tech help resource center in the LMC from 11:30-1:30pm where people will be available to help with specific problems.  

The halls are alive with the Sounds of Music.  I am so looking forward to the production of thgis years musical.  Thanks to Danielle and Melissa for causing students to get excited with their clues!

Good luck to our Bill and Rich and the volleyball teams as they play in a tournament this weekend.

Just a reminder to finish looking at eligibility this morning and let me know if there is anyone on the list that I should Not talk to.  I will talk to students after lunch.  

Thanks to Melissa for going to ALICE Training this morning.  ALICE stands for Alert, Lock down, Inform, Counter, Evacuate.  This information will be shared with everyone as it may impact how schools do lock down drills in the future.

Yesterday while spending time in some 6th grade classrooms. I had a student in Mrs. Sarno's class Alex who took his invention paper a giant extra step by actually creating it.  He built what he calls a sustainable energy source, it involved a solar panel, a mirror, What was most impressive, wasn't the initiative that he took, but the pride that his classmates had in him.  He was showered in praise about his work, I was even told by more than one student..."you know Mr. Fitzgerald, he is probably the smartest student in this school.  What a great environment for creativity and learning both academic and social-emotional.
Here is a video on the importance of play and creativity in learning:  It's only 5 minutes:  

Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
It doesn't make a difference what temperature a room is, it's always room temperature.
Steven Wright