Thursday, September 21, 2023


 I want to thank everyone for their participation in the data meetings.  The discussions we have, even when people disagree all have the end goal of helping students. Thank you for doing your best to help these students including communicating regularly with their parents.  

Why students are forgetting things and what you can do about it.

Improving student Memory

Public service announcement:  When using the translation services that Dr. Salamone sent out, teachers will almost always want to use the phone call option.  The document translation is not for emails but more for official documents and there can be up to a week delay.  The phone call is instantaneous.  Let me know if you have questions.

4 ways classroom design impact executive functioning

classroom design's impact on executive functioning

I am looking forward to walking around the building with Dr. Woell and members of the school board tomorrow morning.  

Student growth goals are due October 1st which is coming up fast.  Let me know if you have questions.  I am also open to having first formal observations.  Please reach out as I want to have the first round completed by the end of October if possible. 

Thanks for meeting in subject area meetings yesterday.  I am following up on my to-do list from ELA and will reach back out to math on our discussion topic as well.  

Please read the email and attachment from Greg yesterday about the funding opportunities from our grant writers Janice and Lisa.  These are definitely opportunities to take advantage of.  There are also classroom $ benefits tied to your PTA membership.  You will also have information coming soon about grant opportunities from the Benjamin 25 foundation.  So many ways to help your students!

Become a slide expert

It was great to see the Bengal Cafe back in action in their new time slot Monday morning.  My coca cola order is always the same no cream ...heavy on the caffeine...heavy on the sugar.

I am looking forward to seeing the Volleyball and Soccer team on the 25th and the cross country team on the 28th for their home competitions!  Go Bengals!

Spirit Wear!  Get your Bengals on!  The link will be live tomorrow morning with brand new spirit wear offerings from the PTA.  You can order from the general selection or the Teacher/Staff selection.  

Scaffolding for your EL Students in content heavy classrooms

scaffolding for your EL students

I believe half the unhappiness in life comes from people being afraid to go straight at things.  

                                                                                                    William J. Lock

The truth will set you free, but first it will make you miserable.  

                                                                 James A. Garfield

Genius is the infinite capacity for taking life by the scruff of the neck.

                                                                 Katherine Hepburn 

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