Thursday, February 16, 2023


 Melissa, April and Danielle really knocked it out of the park at the board meeting Monday night.  The students involved in the musical mini-production for the school board were firing on all cylinders. 

Dr. Salamone also did a great job with her presentation to the school board about the state of our special education program as well as future initiatives she would like to investigate with our staff and students.

John Hattie 5 things you need to know to be a highly effective educator

I haven't received official word yet, but it seems like Kerri will also be placing the PO orders with the companies once they have gone through the approval process.  Please make sure you ask us if you have any questions about this process. 

I loved getting in everyone's classes this week. The work you do on a daily basis with our students is outstanding! #favoritepartofmyjob

Thanks for everyone who submitted a curriculum map for me to look at on Wednesday and thanks to everyone for your continued efforts on this initiative, this year. 

I want to express my gratitude towards the team leaders.  Our monthly meetings are only one small part of the job they do everyday.  They are truly leaders and I couldn't do my job without their efforts.

The Art & Science of using praise for improvement.

Thanks to Jen H, Lauren D, Megan P and Michele D for the work they are putting into the ELA pilot.  The effort you are putting in now will pay dividends down the road.  

Please remember to take the 5Essentials survey if you or your class has not done so yet.  

Ethan Hawke with a Ted Ed on Creativity (9 minutes when you have time)

Thanks to Courtney for giving an assist to our check-in program with our two 8th grade students that she also has as students.  This will help maximize class time and I appreciate it. 

Great men have not been concerned with fame.  The joy of achievement that comes from finding something new in the Universe is by far their greatest joy.    William P King

Bad will be the day for everyman when he becomes absolutely contented with the life he is living, when there is not forever beating at the doors of his soul some great desire to do something larger. 
 Phillips Brooks 
The two hardest things to handle in life are failure and success.  Anon. 

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